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Incontinent and inconsiderate people at City Hall and Arena


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If people are sat down at rock/pop events then at least its better than having some 6ft giant stood right in front of you. I was sat down last time I was at the arena which was Atomic Kitten about 4 years ago. In fact thinking back, there didnt seem to be many standing from what my hazy memory recalls. I do agree with having set intervals though for people to get to the toilet, buy drinks etc.

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No, this is Davey stopping you getting drunk ;-)


Anyways, gigs for me shouldn't be seated events in the first instance. But even at seated events, it's can be deemed as inconsiderate if they're just getting up in the middle of a song. However if they leave it to a break in play I see no problem what so ever.



hmm maybe youre right mr loving. think i should delay my driving lessons else i'll never be able to drink again!


on a brighter note its good when someone goes for a wee and theyre stood in front of you, so you can nick their place. :)

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Mm, See i much prefer this going to the toilet lark than to the people who urinate in their pint pot and then decide to throw it at you. :suspect:


Please don't ever ban going to the toilet!!!


Ha, ha, right with you, Edna! :P


To be honest, it was the flying urine I thought the OP was going to be complaining about when I saw this thread! :P


And no, it ain't a real gig unless you're standing up



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For me the whole experience of going to a gig is about enjoying the music & having a bop about which you can't do sitting down! The few pints beforehand just help to losten the legs a little!


I suggest drinking before the gig & not buying the overpriced fizzy rubbish @ the arena thus cutting down on toilet trips.

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I went to a UB40 concert last December. I went for a wee before it started, but my bladder was bursting by the end of the first half! I only had one small drink, but the place was chilly!!By the end of the concert I was dying again! :help:The queues were horendous for the toilets at the intervals!

I was sat down some of the time in the concert, but the atmosphere takes over in a real live gig. I don't think you can really compare it to listening to music in the car or at home:banana:

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Im sorry but every1 pays the same for the tix and if u need the loo, u need the loo, I pay the same as ppl that get up to let me pass but yet im quein for the loos and waiting for the loo, then im waiting for a quiet min to pass and missin most of it which is my own fault but wen u need to go u need to go, Perhaps i sud bring clean clothes and pee my self as sud half the othas and get changd but then i wud get done. and u wid be complaining it stinks of pee, so think about it plz, it dunt take 15 secs to let sum1 pass, stop being selfish. im sure 1 day will cum wen u cant hold it in

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I went to a Robbie Williams concert and spent 4 hours without a loo because I didn't want to leave. I suggest bladder training. :suspect:


I also spent 4 hours without a loo... because I couldn't leave, I was bound & gagged to a chair... it wasa the only way you'd get me there:hihi:


I take it none of you guys have ever been to a milburn gig:hihi:

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Im sorry but every1 pays the same for the tix and if u need the loo, u need the loo, I pay the same as ppl that get up to let me pass but yet im quein for the loos and waiting for the loo, then im waiting for a quiet min to pass and missin most of it which is my own fault but wen u need to go u need to go, Perhaps i sud bring clean clothes and pee my self as sud half the othas and get changd but then i wud get done. and u wid be complaining it stinks of pee, so think about it plz, it dunt take 15 secs to let sum1 pass, stop being selfish. im sure 1 day will cum wen u cant hold it in


I think the OP was probably referring to those who seem to go to the bar and hence the loo about 10 times in the space of an hour.......


I honestly wonder why some people bother going to gigs, they can't see (or remember) much of the show !!

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I honestly wonder why some people bother going to gigs, they can't see (or remember) much of the show !!


If this is how people perceive a gig then yes I would wonder the same thing.


However if like me they go for a good time, some good atmosphere, bit of bouncing, screaming out their fav songs at the top of their voices when they play them. Then you won't be disappointed.

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