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Woodhill House, Grimsethorpe Road


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Woodhill House, Grimesthorpe Road. I wonder if anyone has access to any records of this house? I believe that my grandfather's sister, Annie, lived there with her husband Lewis James. They were married in 1896 at Upper Langwith, and they were based at Woodhill until 1913 when Lewis retired and they left to live in a village not far from Retford.

Lewis James was manager of the melting shop at John Brown's. He was a product of South Wales, but he probably came to Sheffield via the Middlesbrough area. My grandfather's sister moved to Sheffield to act as housekeeper to the James family, and Lewis J was widowed either just before he came or just after. It is possible that Lewis J was in the house at Woodhill several years before 1896.

I did once search in some Firth Brown records to see if I could find a date for or details of Lewis James's retirement, for his son did once show me a magnificent silver salver that the firm presented to him when he retired to East Markham.

There is, by the way, a reference to this house on the Sheffield History site, with a photo.

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