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Is this acceptable behaviour?


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Coming home from university today, I got the bus from town to the road I live on. It's quite a trek, about half an hour's ride. At one stop, a man got on (I'd say between 40-50), and for the last fifteen minutes of the bus ride, kept quite blatantly staring at me. Everytime I challenged him with a returned look, he'd just keep looking. :loopy: This is the thing, he didn't look like he had any mental disabilities, or any other reason that might make him less likely to understand theory of mind. He looked very average, looked like he was coming home from work. It was unnerving, but I figured it wasn't too troublesome. Annoying more than anything. I just thought 'as long as he doesn't follow me off at my stop, I'll be alright.'


Lo and behold, I went to get off at my stop (which is quiet and dark, as it's borderline countryside) and he gets up too. I began walking down the road, heart in my mouth, absolutely terrified and convinced something bad was going to happen to me. I only dared to look behind me once I was closer to home, and he was nowhere to be seen. :suspect:


Was I being overly paranoid? Surely that's not acceptable to a young woman travelling alone? :huh:


Has anyone had this happen? And where in Sheffield? It was quite a scary experience at the time, even if it sounds melodramatic now!

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