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Is this acceptable behaviour?


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If you are worried go to the police and let them check it out, buses have cameras on them now, if you leave it too long and anything did happen in the future( hope it doesn't and this is nothing more than a misunderstanding) they may not have the tape.


Better to be safe than sorry.

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Poor lass, It was probably nowt but then again you never know? These day's.


If your worried carry an alarm! Take basic self defence lessons, I did and felt much more confident in the fact I can and will take action if any perv tries anything!


Funny thing is, I had a stalker years ago, he drove a 3 wheeler and used to park outside the house just watching.

My dad reported it to police....so funny to see this Robin Reliant do a wheel spin and take of on two wheels round the corner! with a cop car hot on his tail...lol.:hihi:


I've been honked at and shouted at by passing motorist's but take it as a compliment, seen as I don't go out of the way, hardly ever wear make up etc, just ignore them and carry on my business.


Then there was the mysterious flower sender, I reported this and found out it was my driving instructor at the time.

Then there was the phantom knicker NICKER!

OMG!!! I don't need this, scary at the time but can laugh now!:hihi:

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that sounds really scarey--- try not to worry, I can understand though.

had a weird experience the other night, I was walking along the right hand side of the road and spotted a group of lads (about 8 of them) at the top on the opposite side. This was about 10 at night, so not too late. I carried on walking, but all of a sudden they crossed the road, and were walking towards me!! This sounds really lame, but i really thought- uh oh theyre going to do something, and no one else was around!!! but they didnt.... I feel bad for thinking bad of them, but it was the way they crossed right in my path when they didnt need to, but I would never try and make a young girl feel vulnerable, especially alone and at night!!!

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I would ask did he see you go into your home? Don`t answer this one on a public forum, but do you live alone. If the answer to both is yes I would report it to the police, it can do no harm and if it will make you feel a little easier then do it.


If your answers were no I wouldn`t report it this time but I would watch out for him and make sure if you do see him again that you don`t put yourself in harm`s way. And certainly do not make eye contact with him, he might be strange enough to consider that as a `come on`.


Be safe

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