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Rubbish pub quiz


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Without meaning to become one of those traditional moaners I just wanted to make you all aware of how rubbish the Lescar pub quiz is.


Myself and a group of friends went their last night and were really disappointed with the standard / style of the quiz. There were massive gaps between the questions, a round which included questions about the quizmaster and his girlfriend and the quizmaster insisted on getting all of his mates up to sing the answers to the lyrics round. Despite it only being 5 rounds long it took two and a half hours to complete.


Also we found out that the Lescar won 'Best Traditional Pub' at the Exposed Awards, since when did a bar that sells Peroni and wasabi peas constitute traditional?!


Anyway rant over!


If anyone knows of any decent quizzes around the Ecclesall / Broomhill / City centre area please let me know.




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Also we found out that the Lescar won 'Best Traditional Pub' at the Exposed Awards, since when did a bar that sells Peroni and wasabi peas constitute traditional?!


I think that is 'traditional pub' as in 'not a trendy wine bar' - otherwise the winner would be whomsoever was only serving mead in pewter tankards.


I like it there, although the quiz sounds a little self-indulgent from what you have said!

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The University Arms near the Children's Hospital does a quiz on Thursdays, I've never been as I'm usually at work round at the Hallamshire then, so I can't vouch for how good it is, given the location though it'll probably be full of students/health proffessionals.

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a quiz on a Tuesday, its the bingo type quiz. i didnt really like it, a grid of 25 squares, all with random numbers in from 1 to 25, 25 general knowledge questions get asked, (which are fine, quite a good mixture of hard and easy) but then they read the answers out and the winner is the first team to get a line........a team won the last time i was in that only answered 7 questions right! my team had 21 and another team had 23, but as they were lucky enough to get a line first they won, made me think "what was the point"! still if you like a quiz to boil down to luck, then this may be the quiz for you.

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