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The great big 'complaining about the time post is delivered' thread

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I can't think of the last thing I received through the post were it mattered if it came at 8am or 1pm. Even when I'm not at work there isn't much that I can't wait till 1pm for. I guess that is the attitude RM take too.


It always amazes me that RM manage to make a profit at all, getting something from one place to another usually within a day for less than 50p is pretty remarkable! Even when you scale it up to the number of letters RM deal with it still seems impossible.

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I have had 2 letters that needed signing for in the last 2 days. Both were delivered while nobody was at home and both were shoved through my door without a signature.


I was pleased in a way, saves me a journey. At the same time it defeats the point of registered post somewhat.

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I am sick and tired of all the “my post arrives at????” threads.


You want to post a letter for a pittance (and believe me the current 41p 1st Class is just that) but you do not want the cost saving cuts that enable you to have a cheap service. You cannot have it both ways.


First they cut the local night shifts; they sorted the mail up so that the postie got out at 7am. Then they moved the times of the missort runs that every delivery office has to wait for before the posties can go out to around 9-9:30am from 6-7am. So in some cases posties do not leave the delivery office until nearer 10am.


Now they are making posties do not just their own round but at least another half of another so they can save more money. The poor old foot postie is under pressure to do more and more work for less money. Why less? well they have reduced payments for the mailsort items we all love so much which added a bit more money to their wages not a lot but a bit.


These measures all to save money and keep the cost of stamps down, you will all no doubt think that the stamps are extortionate, but based on other countries prices they are not.


So get a life and if you are at home all day waiting for your post, a job ,and stop starting these threads about my post comes at 3 / 4/ 5 pm because all postmen / women are fed up of the constant criticism, like to see you get up at 4am to start work at 5am (to sort mail up), go out in all weathers, get abuse from people be chased by dogs etc etc


moderators can you merge all these threds as as they are getting ridiculous.

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My local postman spends too much time looking at where the post has come from and guessing what is in parcels.

I dont bother looking at the frank mark when I open the post at work and I handle a hell of a lot less than he does, so no wonder it take him so long!!!!

I have complained about him, because he is always making assumptions regarding what is enclosed in my mail!!

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what really cheeses me off is i get a lot of special delivery and they never get to me till 2 - 3 oclock and i have to wait in all day for them gggrrrrrr


Special Delivery is guaranteed to be delivered before 1pm (or 9am if you pay for that service) if it isn't then complain and claim compensation. If you sign on an electronic PDA then the time is recorded so you have proof. If you sign a card then the time should be written in next to your signature. If it isn't then write it in yourself.

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