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The great big 'complaining about the time post is delivered' thread

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You get your post before 12 PM and you're moaning? :loopy:


Down here in Netherthorpe the post comes between 13.30-14.00 PM if we're lucky, including on Saturdays, when the Post Office shuts at 12!

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Postmen seem to come when they want to arrive.What a ridiculous comment to make.

Have you ever done the job? If not,try it for a full week and see how you go on.

Quite a few do try it and pack it in.Why? Cos it's very hard work thats why.There's not just just the one bag you know,there's usually 5 or 6.

What's the big deal about having a different postman every day,what is it to you?

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Same here Rich, seems that the post men or post women seem to come whenever they want to arrive. We usually get it between 13.30pm and 14.30pm but today I think it came around 12noon but that is a novelty.


What a pointless comment. A variation of an hour is nothing to complain about. Some days post is light and postman can finish a lot quicker. They aren't going to hang around waiting just so you can get your post at exactly the same time every day.

And postmen finish work at 14.30, so I don't see how receiving post at that time is any way out of the ordinary.


Try complaining about a valid point, like missing post? If you are missing post then ring up the royal mail helpline. The will log it as a statistic, and if other people make the same complaints they can narrow it down to certain people and take action. Doing it this way is very effective.

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