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The grumpy hippy


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I am trying to find anybody who has a pamphlet which was printed about the landlord of "The Golden Perch". The pub used to be called the Albion Hotel and was closed before being taken over by someone who was desperate for a career change. He was commonly reffered to as the grumpy hippy due to his bizzare way of conducting his business. One time he refused to open a box of cheese and onion crisps while the box of prawn cocktail still had some left.

There are several more stories, and while I can recollect some I would really like to find a copy of the original pamphlet. Hope someone out there has a copy.

best regards


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I was beginning to think I'd imagined the Golden Perch.. i can rember being taken there in the mid 80s and it was quite a unique pub - real ale (of course) but very spartan (as if comfy seats were the work of the devil..) and very quiet ( I think we were the only customers..) - did it stay open long?

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Thanks for the replys and I'll try to answer them all in one go.

The pub was situated at the top of Spital Hill and on Burngeave Green. It is now called The Mill Tavern.

The seats were, indeed, very hard but I think the guy was running it on a budget of £2 plus whatever he could make on taking back the empties. the result was Beige walls with chocolate brown as the darker colour all over the pub including the toilets.

The clientele, apart from strays like me and my friends, were leftovers from it's previous existance as the Albion. They were a rough bunch by anybodies standards. I cannot recall how long it stayed open for but the following tale may have something to do with it,s failure.

Saturday early evening and 4 young lads come into the pub for a pint before they catch the bus into Sheffield city center.

" 4 pints of your best bitter, landlord"

" We've got Timothy Taylors, Boddingtons, Marstons Pedigree, Wards..."

" 4 pints of anything but quick as we've got a bus to catch"

" well, we've got Timothy Taylors, Boddingtons, Marstons Pedigree, Wards..."

" Look, 4 pints quick"

" Would that be Timothy Taylors, Boddingtons, Marstons Pedigree, Wards..."

They left with a snort of derision, but the landlord was completely unfased by his actions and loss, not only of the 4 pints the lads wanted , but also any chance of repeat trade. He had no concept of the trade he was in. I will relate another tale later when I've got time to write it down.


PS He always wore tweed and glasses.

PPs His wife/partner was often behind the bar but never seemed to serve anyone.

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