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Fleur De Lys Publishing Megathread

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Over the summer I set up a new Sheffield publishing company, Fleur De Lys Publishing Ltd, and our first title, Mother-in-Law, Son-in-Law, has just been released on Amazon here! :)


It's written by me under the pen name Julia. One of the characters in the book, Matt, is a Yorkshireman and I've written all his dialogue in authentic phonetic dialect, and it is thanks to a thread on Sheffield Forum from last year that I managed to track down a great resource for researching Yorkshire dialect, Kevin Wilde's yorkshire-dialect.org


Out of over 3 million titles on Amazon, Mother-in-Law, Son-in-Law was rising up the Amazon charts due to pre-orders even before it was released, as is our second title, MY ADVENTURES IN CYBERSPACE, which is being published in Spring 2009 and is set in Sheffield, with references to local shops and landmarks.


Mother-in-Law, Son-in-Law is a love story which is very explicit but also quite moral in a way, as all the characters get their just deserts. It also champions older women, as the main protagonist, Julia, is 55.


At the last ever Words Aloud at The Lescar on Tuesday I read out an extract and signed and sold loads of copies afterwards, including to someone highly respected and distinguished in Sheffield's literary scene (let's hope he likes it, wink!) There's a vid of the performance here for anyone interested.


The title has just received a stonking review on Amazon from a male reader. Here are some extracts:


"...the author 'Julia' (not her real name, one presumes), probably tired of the tide of so-called erotica aimed at the male readership, giving a decidedly masculine view of sex and its attendant emotional satellites, has crafted a book which presents a realistic portrait of female (as well as male) sexual frustrations, leading to an unavoidable and achingly erotic collision between two of the protagonists, as their feelings for one another, fuelled by their trapped energies, leak, and then explode, into the open. "


"I said this is aimed at women. Women of a certain age perhaps, yes (like 25 and upwards!). But I'm a man, and I loved it. I laughed out loud at parts of it (it's absolutely hysterical in places). I genuinely cared about the three main characters, and I defy any straight man to remain physically unaffected by the erotic charge which surfaces frequently throughout the book, like islands over a volcanic hotspot. It's like literary viagra."


"The character of Matt, despite his trade as a fashion model, is refreshingly straight, a blunt, intelligent northerner who is amused by middle-class pretensions and intolerant of snobbishness. I cheered when he appeared in the book, and loved the way his 'Yorkshireness' is presented, not nor laughs, but as a subversion of the usual order. At first, you think 'Oh dear, a Yorkshire stereotype' but then you realise Matt is fully aware of how people including us as the reader) perceive him, and uses it to his advantage and amusement. Matt uses it entirely knowingly and with deliberate post-irony to undermine the prejudices and artifices which he frequently comes across. He's a bright lad, is Matt. Good on 'Julia' for creating a 'real' Yorkshireman."


If you buy the book, please leave a review on Amazon! We are only just starting the press drive so it hasn't had any press yet, and I will be approaching the local press within the next few days, but if you are involved in the local press and want an interview then contact me at jude (the "at" sign) fleurdelyspublishing.com


The official book launch and book signing will not be until after the New Year but I'll let everyone know when a date and venue are set.

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Good Heavens , I do admire you. The research and hours of writing you must have put in. Literary Viagra yeh, ? I will be buying it !! ;):cool:


That is great, thankyou Pattricia! :) Kerching, one sale, LOL :)


I had some feedback via email this morning from a reader who gave her real name but wanted to remain anonymous as she's a business woman. She was almost hysterical with joy about it! She said


"Our postman knocked on the door at 8.30am with a small brown parcel, too

early to get up so thought I would take it back to bed and take a look.

By page 49...my husband was a very happy man!!!"


The full quote is on my blog but it may be a little racy for this forum!

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You are nothing but a peddler of filth! I love it.



Ha ha, no, I see myself more as a bringer of joy! And I want my writing to lead to lots of babies being born! :)


For too long there has been this ridiculous notion that "old people" don't have a life...this is a novel about a middle aged woman who is having a lorra lorra fun...not about some 30 something office girl being "mad" and "outrageous" as are many of the characters in chick lit novels with curly wurly writing on the cover. Chick lit is dead. The future is hot and the future is MILF lit.

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Ha ha, no, I see myself more as a bringer of joy! And I want my writing to lead to lots of babies being born! :)


For too long there has been this ridiculous notion that "old people" don't have a life...this is a novel about a middle aged woman who is having a lorra lorra fun...not about some 30 something office girl being "mad" and "outrageous" as are many of the characters in chick lit novels with curly wurly writing on the cover. Chick lit is dead. The future is hot and the future is MILF lit.


Bring it on !! :cool:

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MILF? The character of Julia is more of a...er...GILF? But hey, she does it for me. Older women are where it's at. I always said so, even when I was in my teens. If only some of my mate's mothers had known what I was thinking when I was 17!


If its that good they may make it into a film. The male lead has a Yorkshire accent. What about Sean Bean and..............................me ! :rolleyes:

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