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Fleur De Lys Publishing Megathread

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Who's to say the next "Big Thing" won't start out by self publishing. I don't think anyone is suggesting its better than an established publishing house, but its a start. The main thing a new writer needs is encouragement, we find out the hard way if our "stuff" is really any good. The trouble with writing is it takes so much hard work and dedication to find out if we're any good. It's very difficult when you start because you're writing in the dark, not knowing if your writing drivel or an award winning piece of work. It's an achievement in itself to get a reputable professional to read our work.


I once wrote a book about 15 years ago and sent it of to Minerva Press. They sent me a glowing report back and a request for two grand to print it. Needless to say the review went down the waste disposal chute (followed about a year later by the book.)


Its surprising how many people try to make writing a career. In the small cul-de-sac where I live my neighbour is typing away most nights. I once enquired at the BBC with a screenplay I'd wrote and got a rejection letter. They stated that they receive about 200 scripts a week from newbies, and over a year about 2 of these get sent to development!


Keep writing!

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Apropos of nothing, I thought you folks might enjoy this, the greatest rejection letter ever:



I suspect though that, unless they are familiar with Stein's poetry, people on this Forum will miss the joke (as will the pigeons on the grass, alas)

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...Keep writing!




The recent rave reviews for My Adventures in Cyberspace were most certainly not written by friends or relatives. One reader I'd met online years ago and he remembered me and bought the book. The others, one in Norway, one in Switzerland, read the book knowing nothing about me and loved it.


I went to afternoon tea in a hotel in Manchester on Tuesday with eleven incredibly positive, switched on, successful business women. Three of them were already reading my books. Work hard, keep writing and respect your readers. You will encounter naysayers and people who try to sap your confidence; ignore them, much of it comes from the detractors' feelings of inadequacy and envy, sometimes it comes from detractors' arrogance and smugness, much of it comes from detractors' sheer ignorance. Some of it comes from all of them. I've had this for years and all it does is make me even more determined to just keep writing. You think divers moan about getting wet? You think mountaineers complain about the cold? Nah, they laugh at it; it comes with the job.


"He looked like an Italian, was dressed like an Englishman, and had the independent air of an American - a combination which caused sundry pairs of feminine eyes to look approvingly after him, and sundry dandies in black velvet suits, with rose-colored neckties, buff gloves, and orange flowers in their buttonholes, to shrug their shoulders, and then envy him his inches."


Little Women by Louisa May Alcott


"But the dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to a bad end."


Zuleika Dobson by Sir Max Beerbohm

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  • 4 months later...

The Kindle of course, has revolutionised indy authoring and publishing, and finally renders being "vetted" by anyone in trad publishing completely obsolete.

Self-published author joins Kindle's elite million-seller list - a very interesting article.


The first of our Fleur De Lys titles, Mother-in-Law, Son-in-Law, went live on Kindle last week and sold 20 copies in the first half hour. It's priced at £2.09 in the UK and you can also buy it on Amazon US and Amazon DE (Germany.)

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