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Fleur De Lys Publishing Megathread

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S8? Sheffield's new bohemia? Maybe some day but it's a bit of a way to go yet.


As The White Rose's tame caveman and the inspiration for all the sex scenes in her books, I will of course be at the book launch too, if she lets me out of the gimp box in the cellar.

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Sadly, I won't be able to get to the book launch because I've got to be elsewhere all day, which is a great shame. I've noticed that you too are in S8 (Sheffield's new Bohemia?).


Well, S8 is where the climbers are living, as they did in S7 in the 70s and 80s. That's always a sign of which area is the coolest to live in. I wouldn't exactly call Woodseats Bohemia, for a start there are no pubs that appeal to my Bohemian taste (although I do like The Sportsman up at Norton Lees) - but the chazza shops are good, I love the fishmongers, the butchers and the bookshop as well. But comparing it to my two favourite urban streets in Britain, Old Compton St in Soho and Church St in Whitby, there's just no comparison I'm afraid :(


However I have been asked to take part in this year's Woodseats Literary Festival which of course I'll give my support.


Please E-Mail and let me know how it all went, I'd be fascinated to see the photos. My E-Mail address is on the Website.


I had a meeting with the photographers last night and it's all very exciting. There will be a Flickr pool of everyone's photos and of course I'll be blogging about it too. The posters are finally up in the Bungalows and Bears window as well - if anyone wants one just ask at the bar, they have some free copies to give away.


I have to confess, I too would buy the Rutland Arms if I had the moolah, but not this week! Keep up the good work!!


One of my mates is in property and when I showed him the details he said he wanted to view it and would take me with him, woo hoo!



As The White Rose's tame caveman and the inspiration for all the sex scenes in her books,


I say, Mr Sothoth! You will get your legion of fans at SHU all hot under the collar!


PS I would love to invite Michael Palin to my book launch...actually one of the photographers last night suggested that I try to arrange for him to drive me to the book launch in the aforementioned orange Lotus Elise, wearing a leopard skin thong. So if anyone knows Michael please would you email him the link to this thread so he can seriously mull it over.


I've just bought his autobiography about his early years with Python actually...fascinating...well seriously, it would be lovely to have him at my book launch...I'll have to start doing some signings in London as well as Sheff.

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Hopefully we can meet up before then :) Are you a member of the SF Sheffield Writers Group btw?

I have to confess I'm not, but only because I've been too lazy to do anything about it. With another 2 books ready to go to publisher, plus another due out within the next week (we're too mean to have launch parties!!!!), I haven't got round to it, but I really ought to! Will try and do better!!!

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I am sure I have chatted to White Rose before about her sexy book. She certainly has a good PR department !! Good Luck to her !:thumbsup:


The PR department is housed about 3 feet from the cooker, dishwasher and washing machine, directly under the clothes drying rack! :help:, and also houses the writing department, finance, reception, clerical, book design and typesetting departments which are all on one desk womanned by one person which is me! The only things that are done by other people are the accounts, at Number Crunchers (recommended to me here on SF), and the editing department is wherever Yog Sothoth happens to be!


Anyway I hope you can make it to the book launch and you will wear an SF sticker, pattricia! (see below)


I have to confess I'm not, but only because I've been too lazy to do anything about it. With another 2 books ready to go to publisher, plus another due out within the next week (we're too mean to have launch parties!!!!), I haven't got round to it, but I really ought to! Will try and do better!!!


I have set this up on fresh air, dafydd. It's not that I'm being generous, we have no budget for this whatsoever - there will be food and drink at the bar. I see this as a small opportunity to bring together creative people and those interested in the creative fields, for a nice afternoon and maybe sell a few books on the way and everyone have a bit of a laugh and get some good photos. Also I'm hoping it will bring in some revenue for Bungalows and Bears which I think is a great bar and many people still don't know about (coincidentally, it is shortly to be featured in The Guardian's "Hidden Britain" guide.) I am very keen on supporting good local pubs and bars wherever I can.


Anyway before SF cleverly confined my book babblings to one thread, I had an idea which I didn't get a chance to post about last night, and that is, as a few people from SF have said they are coming to the book launch, I'm going to print up some sheets of stickers with the SF logo on, and space to write people's username if they choose, so when you arrive, if you want to meet other SF users, come and see me (I'll be next to Ralph Razor's DJ stand) and pick up a sticker and write your user name on then stick it on your jumper (or wherever!). I will be wearing my white rose one so even if you don't want to wear a sticker come and say hello from the forum anyway! And don't feel any pressure to buy a book, they are for sale on a different adjacent table anyway so you won't feel you ought to buy one, the sticker idea is separate! :thumbsup:

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Ha ha ha ha ha! I just did a search on google images for "Sheffield Forum" to find a high res SF logo for the badge, and the first result that came up was from an SF thread where someone had posted a link to a picture of a Chavopoly board - funniest thing I've seen for ages! (even though I don't agree with calling people "chavs" :suspect:) But it is very funny :) "Elizabeth Duke big hoop earrings" - oh my days :hihi:


EDIT: I've just tipped the laptop upside down so I can read the whole board and I've counted up how many things I've done on the Chavopoly board and it's a horrifying TEN! Ha ha ha ha ha!

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