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Any memories of Crookesmoor School?

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hi i went to crookesmoor 1957 i remember mr oakes and was in mrs hornseys class then went to myers grove new the metcalfs and jacksons billy fields jimmy naylor i lived on roebuck rd my friends were maxine crossley kathleen thorpe who remembers them

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Do any of you old(er) buggers remember the YEB building the substation next to CrookesMoor School?


For many weeks it was a kids paradise to play on - there was a huge canvas sheet which I think had been erected to provide some sort of shelter for something, but it stretched from the roof of the building down to the ground. Some bright spark worked out you could jump from the roof and slide down this thing rather like those inflatable emrgency exit slides that are fitted to airliners. Great fun until my dad spotted me from his vantage point behind the shop counter - I often wonder why when kids went to so much trouble to try and do themselves physical mischief back in those days our Mums and Dads alwasy wanted to complete the process when they found out what we had been up to.


Eyup docmel -I very distantly remember your dad working in the shop - he used to have lucky bags in a box behind the counter. Was there ever a fire in the shop? After it was demolished I saw some workmen digging a trench across the site and one of them was teasing me that he kept on finding handfulls of coppers from when the shop had a fire and the counter and cash drawer fell into the cellar. That was around 68 or69 and someone then backed up this tale saying it had suffered a fire sometime. I remember thinking what a great job it must be being a navvi. I'd still like to dig up all that area, but more as an archeologist. I think it was a hugely interesting and complex area, you just don't get modern areas developing anything like that complexity.

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Do any of you old(er) buggers remember the YEB building the substation next to CrookesMoor School?


For many weeks it was a kids paradise to play on - there was a huge canvas sheet which I think had been erected to provide some sort of shelter for something, but it stretched from the roof of the building down to the ground. Some bright spark worked out you could jump from the roof and slide down this thing rather like those inflatable emrgency exit slides that are fitted to airliners. Great fun until my dad spotted me from his vantage point behind the shop counter - I often wonder why when kids went to so much trouble to try and do themselves physical mischief back in those days our Mums and Dads alwasy wanted to complete the process when they found out what we had been up to.


Eyup docmel -I very distantly remember your dad working in the shop - he used to have lucky bags in a box behind the counter. Was there ever a fire in the shop? After it was demolished I saw some workmen digging a trench across the site and one of them was teasing me that he kept on finding handfulls of coppers from when the shop had a fire and the counter and cash drawer fell into the cellar. That was around 68 or69 and someone then backed up this tale saying it had suffered a fire sometime. I remember thinking what a great job it must be being a navvi. I'd still like to dig up all that area, but more as an archeologist. I think it was a hugely interesting and complex area, you just don't get modern areas developing anything like that complexity.

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Big Ken


Do I know you? - If you don't want to share your name publicly then send me a PM.


We were at that shop from '62 through to '68 when it was demolished. It comprised of the corner shop but at some time in the past the two houses adjacent either side were added and knocked together to form one larger building. There was the weird situaion of stair cases leading knowhere - which the builder had not bothered removing. It also meant that the cellars were a rabbit warren but I cannot remember anyone ever finding bags of cash - and I can certainly say that while we were there we did not have a fire, so I cannot comment on the workmen finding bags of coppers. All that being said my granny, who owned the shop was a bit lackadaisical so she could have left something behind when we moved. The demolition boys were wating down the street to pull the place down the day we left becasue she had not found anywhere suitable to move to. Everyone thought that she woudl have retired cus she was well into her seventies at that time, but no - she went ahead and got another bloody shop!!

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Big Ken


Do I know you? - If you don't want to share your name publicly then send me a PM.


We were at that shop from '62 through to '68 when it was demolished. It comprised of the corner shop but at some time in the past the two houses adjacent either side were added and knocked together to form one larger building. There was the weird situaion of stair cases leading knowhere - which the builder had not bothered removing. It also meant that the cellars were a rabbit warren but I cannot remember anyone ever finding bags of cash - and I can certainly say that while we were there we did not have a fire, so I cannot comment on the workmen finding bags of coppers. All that being said my granny, who owned the shop was a bit lackadaisical so she could have left something behind when we moved. The demolition boys were wating down the street to pull the place down the day we left becasue she had not found anywhere suitable to move to. Everyone thought that she woudl have retired cus she was well into her seventies at that time, but no - she went ahead and got another bloody shop!!


Docmel tried sending pm - doesn't seem to work - please contact me at "ken_jen81@hotmail.com" cheers

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Has anyone got a photo of the shop that was on the corner of Wentworth and Burlington Street ? My grandparents had it in the 1919/20 era.

Or a photograph of Martin Street where the club is now ?


There is a Photograph of Martin street on Picture Sheffield.com web site

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Crookesmoor School had all 3 levels (Infant, Junior & Senior) fully operational until 1960/61 year when the upper school at Myers Grove came on stream. In 61 my year became the first group not to finish their education at Crookesmoor from infant to senior. The 2 previous years, the seniors transferred to Myers Grove in their final year. We became the first group to start and finish their 4 years at Myers Grove school.


Hi spada,

just came across this thread and reading some of the old messages between you and desy etc leads me to think we must be old aquaintences. We were obviously in the same year.The mention of Keith Skelton rang bells as I sat with him in our first year at Myers Grove, class 1A2, Mrs Hodder form mistress.

There are so many messages I want to respond to just where to begin?

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