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Any memories of Crookesmoor School?

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Hi all and docmel

havn't seen this latest thread on crookesmoor. I went to the old place from1954 to 1961. I lived on Cross Addy street. My mother also went when it was girls and boys seperate from about 1932 to 1942 she lived at the time in Wellfield road her maiden name was Thelma Wheeler. My wife lived in Martin Street but never went to Crookesmoor she moved in about 1956 her mother and father were Bill and Mary Ibbotson. Her auntie lived in Hammond hill near to Last orders her maiden name was Elizabeth Ibbotson.


would it be of any good regarding people with relations that either lived around the area or went to Crookesmoor for us to post there namesdates in area and old address. What do you think, i'll set it up on another topic.

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Hi Andy (again!)


Pop Edwards took the last class before we all left for secondary school - he was very proud of the fact that some of the kids coming through were kids or grandkids of children he taught many years before - I guess that is a testament to how close knit the communities were back then.


There was also another male teacher - Mr Brecken - the only reason I can remember him was that I once used the word 'pub' instead of 'public house' in an essay - the result? - he gave me the cane!! - you did'nt have to do much to incur wrath back then!! I could have only been about 8 or 9. But it taught me.....I just love drinking in Pubs!!

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hi, to all ex crookesmoor wallas I also rember pop edwards and brecken ( and his war weapon ) he`d probably be arrested today, having said that it taught us some respect today there`s no deterent therefore no respect, anyway did anyone remember andrew wallace we all used to be a bit envious as he was learning drums and had his very own drum kit which he would bring and play at the xmas concert all you could hear was those b****y drums happy days

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I have just read a thread about Lady Mabel Hall at Ecclesfield School.


Do any of you remember when the headmaster (was his name Mr Crookes? - or am I dreaming that bit?) formed a choir and entered us into a choir contest which was held at Lady Mabel Hall.


We were up against all the 'posh' schools from all over the place - and we won!!


I can even remember the songs we sung, but my most abiding memory was the look on the head's face - even to this day I don't think I have ever seen anyone look so happy or proud - it obviously meant a great deal to him.

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  • 8 months later...

Only just discovered this site. It appears to provide to provide a daily dose of nostalgia.

I attended crookesmoor school 1956 to1961. The headmaster was Mr Oakes and my first teacher was Mrs Hornsey. Mrs Hornsey also taught both my children up to 1988. Not much chance of that happening these days.

Spent a lot of time with most of the contributors listed,but some i cant identify. Phil Holbery should know who i am as we spent many thousands of miles together on scooters back in the 60s.

Others i can recall ( in no particular order ).

Mark Melluish, who's father had a rather tasty Ford Zodiac.

John Taylor, who we always knew as Dougle?

Dave Willis, Peter Willis, John Titterton.

Andrew Winkley who i believe became a £10 pom.

Andrew Jackson, the Metcalfs, my brother had a bit of a crush on one of the sisters ( can't remember which one ).

There are too many to even begin listing at one go so if someone wants to run with this then lets see where it leads.

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