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Any memories of Crookesmoor School?

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Although I am a bit younger than you lot, you are bringing back some great memories.


My best friends mum was caretaker at Crookesmoor School when we were younger and although I went to Upperthorpe, I still spent many hours at Crookesmoor.:)

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Never gave it much thought but now you have mentioned it i do recall one with wire on it. All those tricks to reduce the pain never worked.

I remember telling my mother that i got 6 strokes from Mr Furniss at Myers Grove and she said "we'll wait and see what your dad has to say" Well when he came in and he saw the marks on my a**e he took belt of and gave me some more saying that i probably deserved it in the first place.

Talk about shooting myself in the foot.

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Never gave it much thought but now you have mentioned it i do recall one with wire on it. All those tricks to reduce the pain never worked.

I remember telling my mother that i got 6 strokes from Mr Furniss at Myers Grove and she said "we'll wait and see what your dad has to say" Well when he came in and he saw the marks on my a**e he took belt of and gave me some more saying that i probably deserved it in the first place.

Talk about shooting myself in the foot.


Eeek - Mr Furniss at M.G. was one of the worse to get the cane from. He was the keen tennis player and all that exercise gave him a real powerful right arm.

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Do any of you old(er) buggers remember the YEB building the substation next to CrookesMoor School?


For many weeks it was a kids paradise to play on - there was a huge canvas sheet which I think had been erected to provide some sort of shelter for something, but it stretched from the roof of the building down to the ground. Some bright spark worked out you could jump from the roof and slide down this thing rather like those inflatable emrgency exit slides that are fitted to airliners. Great fun until my dad spotted me from his vantage point behind the shop counter - I often wonder why when kids went to so much trouble to try and do themselves physical mischief back in those days our Mums and Dads alwasy wanted to complete the process when they found out what we had been up to.

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Hya Docmel.

When they were building the substation i remember you used to bring goodies from your dads shop up the scaffolding to the roof. You once brought some sobrani coloured cigarettes up and i think John Szumowski smoked them, the smell was awful.

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When the old man found out i was smoking he made me smoke his own Players untipped. I think he thought it would make me sick as a dog but instead I fell in love with the bloody things. Took me years to come off those and onto tipped.


John Szumowski? - another name that you have sparked off.


Do you remember a brother and sister that used to come from Harcourt Road to Crookesmoor? I think he was older than her so may have been in your year - she was in my class and she was the first girl i had the hots for. Think her name was Barbara - she came to school one day in a white cardigan and fate threw us together at dinner time - she sat next me and I was so nervous I spilled custard all down that cardigan. Love affair over before it began.

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The only one i can think of from harcourt rd and i am not sure i have the right name was terry hardwick. Sorry a bit vague on this one. Talking about harcourt rd, did you ever go onto the pond on the ice in winter? I remember going across one side to the other. Must have been mad.

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