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Any memories of Crookesmoor School?

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You must have been crazy - I once fell in there one Whitsun Bank Holiday and it scared me sh**less - the prospect of falling through ice and coming back up again and trying to get out??? - gives me the creeps just thinking about it..



No mate, my limit was throwing stones and stuff onto the ice - what a wus!

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Eeek - Mr Furniss at M.G. was one of the worse to get the cane from. He was the keen tennis player and all that exercise gave him a real powerful right arm.


Yeh he conned my parents into buying a tennis racket saying I was good at it. Who was he conninng. But did get a lift when I went camping in about 65 from Inverness to the camp site . Him and old man Soar were on a caravaning holiday up there

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The only one i can think of from harcourt rd and i am not sure i have the right name was terry hardwick. Sorry a bit vague on this one. Talking about harcourt rd, did you ever go onto the pond on the ice in winter? I remember going across one side to the other. Must have been mad.


Remember Keith Skelton of Harcourt Road he is a world traveller now. one week one week there you know

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Hi all and docmel

havn't seen this latest thread on crookesmoor. I went to the old place from1954 to 1961. I lived on Cross Addy street. My mother also went when it was girls and boys seperate from about 1932 to 1942 she lived at the time in Wellfield road her maiden name was Thelma Wheeler. My wife lived in Martin Street but never went to Crookesmoor she moved in about 1956 her mother and father were Bill and Mary Ibbotson. Her auntie lived in Hammond hill near to Last orders her maiden name was Elizabeth Ibbotson.


would it be of any good regarding people with relations that either lived around the area or went to Crookesmoor for us to post there namesdates in area and old address. What do you think, i'll set it up on another topic.

hi, i went to crookesmoor school(s) (infants and juniors) till 1974. we lived crookesmoor rd opposite the church.

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  • 3 months later...

Can't beat nostagia - better than memory. I started at Crookesmoor Infants from 1938-40 and my main and abiding memory (almost the only one!) is getting my nose severely punched after school on Oxford St. - not right yet!

Lived at 153 Bromley St. and my best pal, David Allott? lived up those steps on Oxford St., became a policeman I believe. Had a look round the other week, all that remains of Bromley St. are the old stone gate posts to the rec. There was a big tunnel across the road which went under the resevoir and was used as a shelter during the Blitz - had its' big steel doors blown off their hinges one night when my dad happened to be home on leave. I recall him shouting to "Keep calm!" Bit of a wooded mess these days. Didn't know Roger Taylor but my elder sister played good tennis in Weston Pk.



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  • 6 months later...

When I was clearing my father's house I came across a small metal badge in the form of a shield roughly 1" x 1". I recall having a similar badge when I went to Western Road school in the 50's. However, this one is quartered with red in the top left and bottom right quarters and white in the other two. There is an inscription which appears to be 'CCGS'. My mother attended Crookesmoor school in the 30's.. Could this have been her school badge? Thanks in advance for any info.

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  • 1 month later...

Crookesmoor was my first infant school, 1939/40, from then on Hunters Bar. I lived at 153 Bromley St. during the Blitz and we all used the air raid shelter under the reseroir at the top of the St.

Went back for a look this year and found the rec. a mess and Bromley St. wooded. The only remnants are the stone gate posts to the rec. at the top near where the shelter was. All in all, better flattened I reckon. I'm sure Roger Taylor would agree!

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  • 1 year later...

Is Mr Cole still going, my gosh, he got me through my swimming lessons at West St baths, 50m 100m 500m. I was one of the last year 7 pupils in Crookesmoor before they moved up up to Tapton 1 year early and when others were moved to Netherthorpe, could never reason why they shut crookesmoor and kept netherthorpe. Do any of you remember these teachers, Miss Jackson, Mr Potts (Chess Master), there was another teacher reallly into history, cant remember his name and female in first year but missed that year out. Playing sports on the ponderosa, I was wicked at rounders left handed you see.

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