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Lots of pets dumped/sold and abandoned because of the credit crunch


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I totally agree, letting agents should always discuss the landlord's wishes with regards to pets and not just have this blanket ban. The argument above doesn't really hold water for me as you can state that pets are at the discretion of the landlord; and a small well trained dog or cat is totally different to a heard of unruly larger dogs!


And not all larger dogs are unruly or damaging either- it all needs taking on a case by case basis.


I can personally guarantee that my dog would never chew the furniture- my home is damaged far more by the kittens that I foster than it ever has been by the dog.

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even though i love animals, i can understand why landlords dont allow them, if i had a property that cost me £100K + .... and a few more hundred to fit out, i wouldnt want it ruined, unfortunatly Ive been into a lot of smelly houses from .... shall we say unhygenic pet owners who allow the animals to wee and poo all over the place, not to mention chewed furniture/walls/carpets. We all seem to assume everyones like us, sadly theres a lot of scummy dirty people around that give every dog owning tenant a bad name


I agree with you. I've been in some horrible scummy houses :gag: and can't believe people live like that...and think it's normal.....I'd be mortified!


I once rented a flat and although it looked clean must have had a lot of 'cat' left in it. I'm really badly allergic to cat to the extend I could not breathe for about 2 months and nearly moved out. It took 2 months of hoovering twice a day / washing carpets / all soft furnishings lots of times to get rid of the cat skin?fur?mites? affecting me and my allergy to cats is now that servere that I can't visit friends for more than a couple of hours if they have a cat in the house.


When I bought that was one of the questions I asked....I would not buy a house that had a cat living in it recently; I could not feel ill for so long again. I supose I'm in the minority but it made me think :)

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Do you know, there's more going out than coming in at this house, O/H ended up with just £3 out of his latest wage.

I'm on just one meal a day and haven't got a clue how we are going to get xmas pressies for kids...it's bad:(

I WOULD NEVER consider getting rid of the dog though! She's part of the family, she has a big sack of food to last her through to next payday, the kids and dog Alway's come first!!!


Have you ever been in the situ where even the dog kimble start's to look tempting:hihi:


Funny end note but you just highlight the seriousness of the credit situation!


When I started to read this post I was so angry at the lack of thought people must put into getting a pet. But after reading your other views nobody knows what's round the corner and you can't possibly prepare for every situation, and your right when some people do have to rehome a dog they are not doing it for selfish reasons-quite the opposite, sometimes being selfish would be to keep the animal and let it suffer.


As for the other people, so many underestimate the true costs of owning an animal. Especially a pet like a dog/cat, it's not just about purchase fee and food it's routine injections, spaying/neutering, insurance, toys, bedding, litter/puppy pads, and all the rest let alone those suprise vet bills! I added up what it would cost for my lab per month and doubled it to make sure I would be able to afford her in the long term!


I really hope me and my boyfriend are never in a situation where we will lose our jobs but if one of us did, with a mortgage we would certainly struggle. I'm like a lot of you on here though, I'd be sat in the dog bed with no furniture, tv etc before I'd give her up!!!!:hihi:

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