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Lots of pets dumped/sold and abandoned because of the credit crunch


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I've collected cats for the Shelter from homes that were in the process of being repossessed, usually from women with young children who can no longer keep the mortgage payments going after a relationship breakup and no support incoming to look after the children. This is usually accompanied by real tears (from the woman and her children) and donation of whatever they can afford to help pay for the upkeep of the animals.


Or how about the lady in Doncaster who has 4 cats of her own and who inherited 8 other cats (4 of which turned out to be pregnant) when her friend died.


In circumstances such as these don't you think that getting an animal into a Shelter is just about the MOST responsible thing that could happen?


Thats different from them actually being hers , when my mum died I inherted her 2 dogs but i had already agreed that i would have them when she died as she made me promise to have them or she would come back and haunt me lol.

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In circumstances such as these don't you think that getting an animal into a Shelter is just about the MOST responsible thing that could happen?




I've been forced by circumstance into a heartbreaking handover of a dog to a shelter and 9 years on I still wonder and hope that she found a good home.


I still don't know how I drove home...twice I had to stop because I couldn't see through tears.



Now I'm in better circumstances I feel the same - I couldn't imagine not having my friends around. I bought a new telly a few weeks ago and just after, a vets trip was called for. I know I worried about the bills and thought "wish I hadn't just wasted money on a telly" and I know that the TV would be the first thing to be put on eBay if it looked like the vets bill would need it.


Thankfully it didn't come to that....but I know what I would rather live without, and that would be telly

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I've collected cats for the Shelter from homes that were in the process of being repossessed, usually from women with young children who can no longer keep the mortgage payments going after a relationship breakup and no support incoming to look after the children. This is usually accompanied by real tears (from the woman and her children) and donation of whatever they can afford to help pay for the upkeep of the animals.

Or how about the lady in Doncaster who has 4 cats of her own and who inherited 8 other cats (4 of which turned out to be pregnant) when her friend died.


In circumstances such as these don't you think that getting an animal into a Shelter is just about the MOST responsible thing that could happen?


that made me feel really sad - its quick to judge someone giving up an animal - but you never know whats round the corner do you?

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i totally agree medusa there are obviously genuine cases and logic says take them to a rescue centre which in most cases i'd hope they would but there is always the ones who just don't think like that and in saddens me thats all. Some one i know took on a dog that had been tied to a pole on the m1,why do that hoping it would get run over or were they hoping more people would see it. Who knows.

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I've collected cats for the Shelter from homes that were in the process of being repossessed, usually from women with young children who can no longer keep the mortgage payments going after a relationship breakup and no support incoming to look after the children. This is usually accompanied by real tears (from the woman and her children) and donation of whatever they can afford to help pay for the upkeep of the animals.


Or how about the lady in Doncaster who has 4 cats of her own and who inherited 8 other cats (4 of which turned out to be pregnant) when her friend died.


In circumstances such as these don't you think that getting an animal into a Shelter is just about the MOST responsible thing that could happen?


fair play, i shouldnt be so judgemental ... and will try not to in the future, it just enrages me when i read post after post on pet section about wanting to rehome a pet ..... usually for reasons that could be easily remidied .... a lot of time its the muppets who choose a fluufy cute pup, spoil it rotten, have no idea about pet ownership, dont train it ..... then when the cute fluffy grows into a large dog, totally untrained, probably got lots of problems ....then try to fob it off on some poor bugger with a silly excuse about rehoming ..... again i understand this isnt always the case, but I can not express strongly enough how angry this makes me

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Don't get me wrong, I do think that there are a lot of people who don't think through the full responsibilities or implications when they take on an animal. Unfortunately, there are lots of times when it is altogether too easy for people to take an animal on and in my opinion this is the step that needs to change, not the step of judging people for taking an animal into a rescue centre (and I agree entirely about people dumping animals).


What I am really concerned about is the situation for the animals when people have already decided that the animals have to go, but then run into judgment when trying to find new homes for their animals. What happens then? How well are people in this situation likely to treat their animals?


If they haven't thought it through properly when getting an animal and can't afford (or don't want to reorganise their finances to fund) proper veterinary care then isn't it actually better for the animal to be rehomed?


I don't doubt that there is a need for fewer animals, more education and more home checking on behalf of the person/organisation finding homes in the first place, but that's not the same as making life harder for the animals by putting a badge of shame on people who do rehome their animals.

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the biggest issue during the credit crunch is housing assocs and the council making the demand that an animal is dispensed with before they'll even start helping to rehome somebody


Many letting agencies have a blanket 'no pets' policy, regardless of the wishes of a landlord signed up with them


I'd like to see a campaign addressing this issue


Many people don't WANT to dump their animals, they're a victim of a system that quite frankly stinks :mad:

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the biggest issue during the credit crunch is housing assocs and the council making the demand that an animal is dispensed with before they'll even start helping to rehome somebody


Many letting agencies have a blanket 'no pets' policy, regardless of the wishes of a landlord signed up with them


I'd like to see a campaign addressing this issue


Many people don't WANT to dump their animals, they're a victim of a system that quite frankly stinks :mad:


That's outrageous. I just can't see why a pet would affect a property in any way. Worst case scenario: they tear away the wallpaper or poop on the carpet. You repaper and buy a new carpet when you move. It shouldn't be affecting people who already have animals - especially if they're being forced to put them up for adoption, or worse, abandoning them.

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I was talking to a letting agent at a party recently, and she was adamant that they weren't doing anything wrong


I suggested that contracts should be separately negotiable - eg my dog is crated when left unattended so couldn't possibly carry out any of the damage she outlined (completely destroyed doors, messed carpets etc), but her argument was that if somebody is allowed a chihuahua, then they couldn't refuse a rottweiler (or words to that effect)


Children generally cause more damage to property, but could you imagine stating 'no kids' as a blanket agency policy in this day and age?

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That's outrageous. I just can't see why a pet would affect a property in any way. Worst case scenario: they tear away the wallpaper or poop on the carpet. You repaper and buy a new carpet when you move. It shouldn't be affecting people who already have animals - especially if they're being forced to put them up for adoption, or worse, abandoning them.


now its mentioned, i have seen many many people having to give up reptiles in new acc. even something as simple as a corn snake or lep gex....

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