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Lots of pets dumped/sold and abandoned because of the credit crunch


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I read somewhere last week that the animal charities are at crisis point, even before their usual huge after christmas intake, because of the credit cruch struggling families are dumping, selling and abandoning pets at an alarming rate to save money or increase their working hours.


Thankfully i havent been in that situation (fingers crossed) .... but i just couldnt imagine giving up a family pet through finances, Id rather live on a diet of pot noodles (:gag:) to be able to keep my babies, after all, arnt they 'part of the family'?


Should people who give up/abandon or sell animals on be stopped from owning another for .... say 12 months? .... I know it could never be policed, but its a nice thought.

what do you think?

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Nice idea, but would people not just have their pet PTS to avoid the 12 month ban?

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People who give up a pet should be banned from having another for a very long period. There's absolutely no legislation on buying animals and anyone can just buy a puppy from the nearby store and do whatever with it.


I've heard some absolute horror stories in the past few months. A lady in the park was telling me she rescued two cavaliers from a home in which they'd been neglected so badly; the house was filthy and the dogs were too. And there was a dead rabbit in the room with the dogs.

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i think you have to look at it both ways, some of these owners are genuine animal lovers who simply cannot afford to keep their animals anymore , no one can forsee redundancy etc and feel that they are doing best in rehoming them so they get what they need, giving up an animal for some is a heart wrenching thing but sometimes the only thing they can do to ensure they remain looked after. Our rescue have taken from some very sad circumstances where the owners are truly devestated and find it very hard to let them go but loss of jobs etc means they have no choice, please dont judge everyone, some people are genuinely doing the best for the animal.

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I love my pets and would never give them up.My pets are a big part of my life and i cannot ever imagine living without pets, I have had pets since the the day i was born and probably will til the day i die. I would go hungry before they did and thats a fact.

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in the past a luxery for me was a fishfinger sandwich when times were hard because i always made sure my pets came first.I took them on so it's not there fault....everyone has a different story i supose but i do think a lot of people will now use this as a feeble excuse or they can't think that much of their pets in the first place

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I've collected cats for the Shelter from homes that were in the process of being repossessed, usually from women with young children who can no longer keep the mortgage payments going after a relationship breakup and no support incoming to look after the children. This is usually accompanied by real tears (from the woman and her children) and donation of whatever they can afford to help pay for the upkeep of the animals.


Or how about the lady in Doncaster who has 4 cats of her own and who inherited 8 other cats (4 of which turned out to be pregnant) when her friend died.


In circumstances such as these don't you think that getting an animal into a Shelter is just about the MOST responsible thing that could happen?

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