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Paying administration fees for tenacy agreement - what to do?


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Eviction isnt strong really - it could be a realistic option - they might as part of the tenancy want to increase the rent aswell and get this admin fee and if someone doesnt agree to this they might want someone else to move in.


Its worth someone knowing all the possibilities and yea I agree this would be worst case scenerio but it does sometimes happen.

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Get them to explain in detail, in person, exactly (not vaguely) the fee is for. "The administration work..." isn't good enough -- exactly what. Once they've embarassed themselves by admitting how little it is, explain that you think it is an unreasonable charge and you do not expect to pay any more than is stated on the tenancy agreement. If they refuse to do it without a fee then give the landlord a call and explain you'd like to stay put but will be moving if the agent refuses to back down. The landlord - faced with losing a few months rent while the place is empty - will sort them out.

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Eviction isnt strong really - it could be a realistic option


Eviction as such isn't an option. The tenant is doing one 6-month contract then another. The agent is charging a fee for printing out a new 6-month contract.


The worst case is that they don't get a new contract and have to go find somewhere else, though the landlord isn't going to want that.

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