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"Workless Households" - 3 million of them!

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I'd quite like to stay at home and be given free money to be with my family rather than working. It must be great to be able to do that.


I have pride though - and the sort of moral responsibility I inherited from my parents that requires me to pay for my own way in life rather than expect other people to fund my family.


Yes, as did the vast majority of the three million people that your beloved party put on the dole the last time you were in power.

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Having spent many fruitless hours trying to persuade people to get out and vote I can assure you that if any party relied on the votes of people on benefits they'd never get in to power. If you look at the turnout at elections you'll see that the highest proportion is in those areas where the fewest people claim benefits.


The idea that the Labour Party relies on these votes is just ludicrous. :loopy:


Typical Guardian reading Leftie, if you don't agree then you are all little Englanders, racist, single parent haters, blah blah blah. And no I don't vote for the conservatives but would like to see MY taxes spent wisely; if anyone spent money like the Government does we would be in a right old mess, Oh sorry the family Britain are broke.

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Yes, as did the vast majority of the three million people that your beloved party put on the dole the last time you were in power.


What is unemployment now - 1.8 M, add on another 200K for December, add on the extra 800K non revenue raising jobs added to the public sector since '97, then all the unregistered unemployed when are shown in the figures, plus a certain percentage of the 2.6 million on incapacity benefit who should really be on the unemployment register (say 10%), another 260K, with the prospect of another 1 million in 09 and we are looking at over 4 million, a record that Prudence Brown will rightly be proud of, heaven help us all next year, vote Labour for more of the same

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I'd quite like to stay at home and be given free money to be with my family rather than working. It must be great to be able to do that.


I have pride though - and the sort of moral responsibility I inherited from my parents that requires me to pay for my own way in life rather than expect other people to fund my family.


Yup - there's nothing better in life than having a disabled child and a sick wife to look after. Much more satisfying than having a healthy family and being able to go out to work to support them. :loopy:

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Having spent many fruitless hours trying to persuade people to get out and vote I can assure you that if any party relied on the votes of people on benefits they'd never get in to power. If you look at the turnout at elections you'll see that the highest proportion is in those areas where the fewest people claim benefits.


The idea that the Labour Party relies on these votes is just ludicrous.

Typical Guardian reading Leftie, if you don't agree then you are all little Englanders, racist, single parent haters, blah blah blah. And no I don't vote for the conservatives but would like to see MY taxes spent wisely; if anyone spent money like the Government does we would be in a right old mess, Oh sorry the family Britain are broke.


How is your reply in any way related to the post of Max's that you quoted?

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if people are able to work they should work - not sit back n claim.

People who care for family members - are in effect working - to look after their family members and should be paid properly to do this and be provided with specific and ongoing training, support groups and restbite when required. A friend of mine works with young adults with Autism and learning difficulties - a very rewarding job he says, but why are their family members not caring for them???? simple - because they would not get paid a wage. So some else care for their family member and gets paid for it.


I think this is in all the papers cos the Daily Express has it on the front page all so about the family with 9 kids pulling £750 per week who can not survive on this when they have paid out for clothes weekly, food weekly and fags and spending money weekly!!!!!


er stop smoking and dont give out spending money - get the older kids saturday jobs or paper rounds then.


I for dont think depression is a reason not to work either - get help - go see a cognituve therapist, councellor dont just sit there bleating about how depressed you are, focus on something.

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Just to let people know my good news!!!!!!!!! the second week in December I found out I was to be made redundant I started off looking for work in the usual manor, job center, agencies and the star I also called every company from start to finish that was listed in the yellow pages to see if there was any vacancies this took 3 days I applied for 32 positions this has now resulted in me getting a full time position with a good salary (better than before) and I am now looking to start my new position on the 5th Jan I was also offered 3 other positions but had the choice to turn them down, so anyone looking for work dont give up there is still jobs to be had out there.

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