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"Workless Households" - 3 million of them!

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No cyclone I dont - Depression is often an illness, but it isnt a disability. The person MAKES depression a disability, throwing their own little pity party for weeks, months and years. Depression is a feeling of sadness that can be experienced temporarily or remain for weeks, months and years. it can be so intense that day to day life is affected IE work, interaction with family and friends, and you stop enjoying the things you usually do.


You may feel worthless, hopeless and constantly tired. In most cases, if you have milder depression, you can probably carry on but will find everyday tasks difficult. If you have severe depression, you may find your feelings so unbearable that you start thinking about suicide.


ANything else you wanna know PM me thanks


I for dont think depression is a reason not to work ... dont just sit there bleating


I'm missing something between your two posts here.

You understand that it's a state that can last for years. But you think they just need to stop 'bleating' about it.


Either it is a valid reason to not work (as your first quote here says) or it isn't (as your second quote says). Your second quote says to me that you don't understand or have any empathy for the condition. Your first quote says that you can copy and paste.

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