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"Workless Households" - 3 million of them!

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People like this should have their benefits stopped and be kicked out of their council houses immediately. A lot of people who work full time like me can't afford to rent or buy their own place so why should these scroungers get everything handed to them on a plate.

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People like this should have their benefits stopped and be kicked out of their council houses immediately. A lot of people who work full time like me can't afford to rent or buy their own place so why should these scroungers get everything handed to them on a plate.


I imagine they probably have a huge amount of debt.

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14K .... AFTER ... rent paid and council tax paid, presuming the average family home is aprox £500 rent per calendar month .... and whats council tax these days, over a grand? ... thats 7K ontop of 14K ........... 21K a year for sod all .... many working families dont earn that, somethings drastically wrong somewhere

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People like this should have their benefits stopped and be kicked out of their council houses immediately. A lot of people who work full time like me can't afford to rent or buy their own place so why should these scroungers get everything handed to them on a plate.


More to the point, why isn't there enough social housing. That is a different problem that needs to be addresed.

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More to the point, why isn't there enough social housing. That is a different problem that needs to be addresed.


Their should be more social housing but it should be restricted to those in full time employment. People who have no intention of working should have their benefits stopped and be left on the streets where they belong.

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Story here-




There's no wonder the country is broke! 3 million workless households, and then the official 'unemployed' on top of these. These toe rags bring in 14k a year sitting on their butts (although daughter has obviously been active in some departments - adding to the size of this particular drain on society). And thats probably after their housing costs have been paid.


The govt seem to be getting tighter on these parasitic types but i hope there's more cuts to come their way. I want to see them selling big issues or shaking in a shop doorway with their hands outstretched- and i'd still give my money to the tramp.

Hmm. I wonder how many workless households there were under Thatcher and Major when we had twice or three times as many unemployed. The residents of Doles Crescent near Barnsley wanted their street name changing back then because of the number of people on the dole on that particular street.

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Their should be more social housing but it should be restricted to those in full time employment. People who have no intention of working should have their benefits stopped and be left on the streets where they belong.


Aren't the streets already dangerous enough with most of them out on the streets causing trouble as it is?


Although not a popular opinion, I've always thought if people can't be bothered to work let them live in squalor with just enough to get by and sod 'em. But if they cause trouble (of any kind) using the excuse "I was bored", instead of getting out and looking for a job to allieviate said boredom, they should be forced to work and repay society. In a chain gang if that's what it takes. The idle I can live with, the pond life I can't stand, and they definitely should be made an example of.

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