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"Workless Households" - 3 million of them!

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There's no wonder the country is broke! 3 million workless households, and then the official 'unemployed' on top of these. These toe rags bring in 14k a year sitting on their butts (although daughter has obviously been active in some departments - adding to the size of this particular drain on society). And thats probably after their housing costs have been paid.


The govt seem to be getting tighter on these parasitic types but i hope there's more cuts to come their way. I want to see them selling big issues or shaking in a shop doorway with their hands outstretched- and i'd still give my money to the tramp.

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There's no wonder the country is broke! 3 million workless households, and then the official 'unemployed' on top of these. These toe rags bring in 14k a year sitting on their butts (although daughter has obviously been active in some departments - adding to the size of this particular drain on society). And thats probably after their housing costs have been paid.


The govt seem to be getting tighter on these parasitic types but i hope there's more cuts to come their way. I want to see them selling big issues or shaking in a shop doorway with their hands outstretched- and i'd still give my money to the tramp.



You're right 14k is a disgrace. There's no way I could live on that. It should be increased immediately.

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You're right 14k is a disgrace. There's no way I could live on that. It should be increased immediately.


No it bloody should NOT! If your in the same boat and want more FIND WORK! This wee Scotish Scrounger seems to have an incline she's taking the mic but expects to get the letter from the dole place offering her a job. There's competition for jobs and she needs to get off her arse and join it.. Buy papers and ring up the numbers. Walk in shops which still have vacancy signs up and apply. DO VOLUNTEER WORK and get in on her CV!

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There's no wonder the country is broke! 3 million workless households, and then the official 'unemployed' on top of these. These toe rags bring in 14k a year sitting on their butts (although daughter has obviously been active in some departments - adding to the size of this particular drain on society). And thats probably after their housing costs have been paid.


The govt seem to be getting tighter on these parasitic types but i hope there's more cuts to come their way. I want to see them selling big issues or shaking in a shop doorway with their hands outstretched- and i'd still give my money to the tramp.


Which 'tramp' is it that you give money to?

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I hardly know how she'd have time to fit that in.





It's a valid point about the CV.

There are plenty of jobs out there that do not require one, yet there is an obsession with them.


Why not, have the job centre employ people at minimum wage and charge tax upon it straight away and pay daily.

Have an agency function in addition.


Turn up to the job shop at 8am, catch job bus with other workers at 830am. Go to work, get paid, catch job bus back to job centre/ or different bus.


Only problem is finding jobs for the people.

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There's no wonder the country is broke! 3 million workless households, and then the official 'unemployed' on top of these. These toe rags bring in 14k a year sitting on their butts (although daughter has obviously been active in some departments - adding to the size of this particular drain on society). And thats probably after their housing costs have been paid.


The govt seem to be getting tighter on these parasitic types but i hope there's more cuts to come their way. I want to see them selling big issues or shaking in a shop doorway with their hands outstretched- and i'd still give my money to the tramp.


It could all be changing soon if this is anything to go by.




It seems the government is very interested in-part to the Danes " flexicurity". Those thinking their comfortable may be in for quite a shock.

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I agree that people should work if there are more than 1 adult in a family, where i live there is a family who neither parent work, one is under medical grounds the other is shear lazyness, but they can still manage to produce 3 children have 2 cars a caravan all the mod cons and fix cars up for most months of year!

There is another family next door to them, both parents go to work they have to find childcare for there 2 children and do not live the life that the scroungers do........


After deductions from both families have been taken out the scroungers are at least £100 better off per week.


How do these people get away with it???

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