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Noahs ark update


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Went in last night too. The Deuchars was in excellent condition but I fear this pub has a bit of an identity crisis. Didn't see the point of the karaoke personally, would prefer some quieter music aimed towards their regular clientel (I don't think there was anyone in under 30). Or no music at all, let conversation flow; I even saw a few punters leave without buying a drink because of the loud music. I'll go again, perhaps on a weekday night instead - hopefully the landlady can get a guest beer on as i'm not going to be spending £2.60 on Deuchars/Black Sheep/Bombardier/Boddingtons on a regular basis.

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I was in last night, too, and agree that the Deuchars was on top form. Although the relief that the Noah's was open again helped me hang on until late, I also agree about the karaoke: it's not for me, and it was difficult to carry on a conversation. Is that being an old fart? No, I don't think so; the Noah's is a proper boozer, where conversation is most important. I am glad the old place is open, though, it was hard being in exile for 3 months! I wish the landlady the very best with it, I'll be in again next week!

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Tina's Tea Time Special - Yorkshire pud stuffed with cauliflower cheese or cowboy hash (lol).


The racing snakes were in the ladies and gents...the men had pheromone wipes too...amazing.


We will come down when there is no Karaoke.


Good luck rats, I hope it works out.

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hey all just letting you know whats going to be going on and if anyone wants anything on let me know and i will see what i can do anyway starting from next week we have quiz night back on on tuesday roll over jack pot and play your cards right from 8pm wednsday special offers on carling and strongbow at £2.20 a pint double vodka and mixer £2.50 on thursday we are going to try a rock night friday karaoke saturday dj music from the 60s to today, sunday afternoon dominoes and cribbage if it goes well free sandwiches on that day after christmas from the first of feb will be open mike night every sunday if anything else goes on will let you know thanks

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