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Memories of Carfield Teachers

Mad Pierre

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Mr. Chandler Head

Miss.Tindall (father was a Sheffield Councillor)

Mrs.Holmes taught English (in a very old-fashioned way).


Mrs..Lydiard was our form teacher and she also taught Art. She was a very thorough,fair and considerate teacher.

Miss. Rubery

Mr.Ackroyd (had his children in the school, Ruth was in our form).

They were well respected among the staff, parents and pupils as teachers generally were in our time (1955-59).

Mr. Chandler (Pop) was very considerate with the pupils and, he recognised pupils who had the ability to learn easily just as he had the observational skills to know the ones who needed additional assistance.

In my opinion it was generally a good school for the basis of learning.



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:wow::wow: I went to carfield schl 1956/62 when carfield shut down the senr side i went to newfield finished schl 1964. I lived on albert rd i remember those teachers mentioned also mr Page(woodwork tchr) mrs Wolstenholme mr Cartwright mr Davison. Also some old schl friends, glin eastwood john holland jane kershaw jane wood betty norman alan howson nina hughes ian benton who I believed moved to the east coast. hope to hear some replies:thumbsup:
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