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Blades to be de-listed


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I see mcCabe has ammounced that blades are looking to de-list from the stock market and take the club into private ownership again.


What does everyone think of this?


I think its a good move to be honest-especially with all the volatility in the markets at the minute.

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I see mcCabe has ammounced that blades are looking to de-list from the stock market and take the club into private ownership again.


What does everyone think of this?


I think its a good move to be honest-especially with all the volatility in the markets at the minute.


Only time will tell I did post this on a previous thread some time ago:


"The removal of United from the stock market should open the door for Mr McCabe to sell the lot for a very nice profit.


As McCabe personally owns the shares then I bet he sells it to..you guessed it...scarborough holdings a company that he owns.


It will then be refloated on the stock market and they'll make...even more money.


They'll then be able to walk away from the club whatever their possition in the league or finance is and...not give a flying ...... they'll have made their wad."


Obviously things have moved on since I posted this but the delisting will allow McCabe to do what he want to the club. He may carve the club up into smaller bits and refloat them as companies in their own right.


It will be interesting to see what happens?

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