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S.t Patricks Roman Catholic church, Barnsley Rd Sheffield


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went there from 1999-2007.

Horribley strict place, Nursery teacher was mrs Gregson + Ms.young

reception teacher was ms.Devaro,she put me through my first firedrill...sounded a bit like a air raid siren to me :)

year 1:Miss maneon - had constant back Pain and was off most days.

Year 2: Miss Gooding- Lovely teacher, kind ,caring.

Year 3: Miss Marshal- Harsh, but very fair.

Year 4: Miss roddis (formally miss antcliffe)- okay, not understanding at all however.

Year5: Mr.Brighton: left due to 'personal reasons' resulting in 2 terms of supplys and only having him until Christmas.

Year 6: Miss Rawson- Lovely,kind and understanding woman!


If you were naughty, You were sent to the wall.

I also remember clearly, Mr.Tandy, Miss.cox, miss.kingcellar, miss slaytor, Miss.Kirwin,Mr.dent, Mrs.Batams.

Monday mornings were led by mrs.farrar on the piano, and we were drilled into singing endless hims and what not, Before the toilets got refurbished, countless kids got themsleves locked in them, only getting rescued after screaming for help, before mr.mitchel,Miss.perry,mrs.meadowcroft theres also another woman who used to teach us history in year 3, a really older woman who had been there for some time, but her names slipped my mind ( the care taker, must admit he did look a rather dodgy bloke) I can also remember being scared to climb the stairs, to the cloak rooms on the top floor, there were some creepy times around that building, always thought I was being watched...

any one else got any interesting storys to tell about that? ;/

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hI, all you ex st.pats people .My brother and i were there throughout the war years,living on HARTLEY BROOK RD. close to MOLINEAUX RD.Our sister 7 years younger started in 1948.I remember sister JOSEPHINE,(she had a mean streak in her,everyone was glad that sister BERNADETTE was made head instead of her.Sister john what a nice person she was,also there at that time there was sister FRANCIS. toastmaster,shaufl, and mrp2e, i'm almost sure that i must know some of your relatives.Right after the war we were living at the other end of HARTLEY BROOK RD. three houses from BUTTERTHWAITE RD.ST. PATS. kids in the neibourhood were RICHARD YALE,THE GORMERLY'S LENA, KEVIN,ECT.They lived next to the gennel.Sorry but i can't picture the WALL family, but i'm sure that i know them.I'll ask my sister next time i phone her as she still lives in SHEFFIELD. We used to live next door to EASTWOODS.Priests at st.pats at that time, were FR.GALLON , FR.HOLLAND(who later opened ST. THOMAS MORES), FR BACKHOUSE,AND FR LYON'S.Later came FR.COLLINS who married my wife and i,also there was a FR.BENSON, who was killed in the second war in FRANCE i think? nice talking to everyone,love to hear from anyone. bye,eightlegger.


FR Collins was the parish priest when i went to St Pats, he always read the Sunday sermon from the pulpit with his eyes closed, never opened them even when he gave out communion.

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