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Millhouses park plans

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Just got my gazette and there is some good news about millhouses park

this is what will be happening in the park


The project involves bringing back a water park - more than a decade after paddling pools were closed there.

the old paddling pools will be transformed into a fish pass providing a haven for the river's wildlife and a means for fish to swim upstream, bypassing weirs.

Designs for an exciting new waterplay feature called 'Splash', for younger children were also unveiled.

The aim is to encourage youngsters to work and play together while learning about water and having fun.

Splash will be funded by the Big Lottery, Yorkshire Water and Sheffield Council.

It will be situated on the site of the old depot in the centre of the park and made up of a collection of water play equipment all linked together by a stream.

Hand pumps, Archimedean screws and roundabouts powered by children working together, will move the water along the channel through sluices and weirs and pump it up to a feature fountain.

The design also includes a roundabout, similar those used by local villagers in Africa to raise water from underground wells, which will pump water into a rain tree.

When children have finished playing with the water, it will flow into underground storage tanks where it will be used to top up the boating lake, flush the park toilets and water flower beds.

The design is based on park users' ideas collected by the friends group and council officers.

Construction work starts early next year with a taster programme of water events planned for the summer holidays.

The facilities should be open in the autumn.

Sheffield Council cabinet member for environment, Coun Shaffaq Mohammed, said: "I am very grateful to the Friends Group, who have worked very hard with us to devise these exciting proposals.

"I'm certain they will be a tremendous asset to the city and they'll be really popular with children in particular."

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The idea sounds very interesting and almost unique to Sheffield but I just hope they've put an awful lot of thought into making it as vanddal proof as possible. I'm remembering when the new childrens activity centtre with it's slide and climbing bits was installed some grotty prats actually started to take it apart which involved un-doing bolts so they must of had tools with them.

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I used to take the children i nannied for down to the park for a paddle , they have fond memories of days spent playing down there. Indeed in my childhood we wnet to Lido and paddling pools alot , My mum would take me and friends for a picnic there, we would walk through the woods and get the bus back, lovely days of happiness. I would love to be able to take the children i look after now to something like that again.

Wasn't there some bug in the water there and thats why the paddling pools closed down for good?

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