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La Civetta da Roberto Italian restaurant, Hillsborough


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Has anyone had a good meal here?? We went recently for the first time and the quality of the food was diabolical - we could have had a better meal if we'd bought microwave ready meals from Jack Fulton!

I've seen quite a few threads on here saying it's really good, so I'm wondering if the people who like it maybe don't eat at Italian restaurants very often so don't have anything to compare it with. I'd be the first to admit that we're a bit choosy when it comes to Italian food as my boyfriend's grandma is Italian so he's grown up with very good homecooked food, we're pretty good cooks ourselves, and we often eat at places like Piccolo's or La Scala in Millhouses, but the food at La Civetta was just dire! It's a shame because we only live a few minutes away, and the place itself and the service was really nice.

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I ate there for the first and last time about a year ago.


My chicken was raw in the middle and when I complained was told that it was supposed to be like that!!!:loopy::loopy::huh:


After quite a lengthly debate they eventually agreed not to charge me for my meal

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I wouldn't be surprised if it closes down before too much longer. A business can't sustain itself in the long term on no customers and bad reviews.


It really needs Gordon Ramsay and his 'kitchen Nightmares' crew in there to shake things up; to tell them what's wrong with their food, their attitude, their decor, their music, their...everything really.


Whilever it's stuck in the black hole of ignorance it won't go anywhere - and I do think that's a shame, because it does have potential. I just think the owners either can't afford to invest in it, or they've simply given up.

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I was a regular customer on first name terms with the owner for a long time. The quality of food went slowly downhill, and then there was a mistake in the kitchen when the vegetarian calzone I asked for turned up covered in meat bolognese. An easy mistake to make I guess, so I politely sent it back.


They sent the same pizza out about two minutes later with the bolognese scraped off and now covered with napoli sauce.


I wasn't best impressed (to say the least) and asked to speak to the manager. The basic message was that they would cook another, and they didn't think I would notice it was the same pizza. :roll:


I lost confidence and never went back. :|

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The missus and I went about 10 months ago, shan't be going back. They forgot about our starter, then brought out it later, burnt to a crisp. The missus ordered a chicken calzone for her main course, nearly broke her tooth on a 2 inch-long bone.


We complained, the lady said the chef told her "it was to be expected, because it's made with fresh ingredients"!


A calzone with bones in it is hard to believe, but to be then told it should be expected is taking the Michael. No apology or anything, she was too busy coughing and sneezing everywhere.



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