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Born In Upperthorpe


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I remember someone called White did not know him well quite a bit older than me but I remember he was always doing swaps comics.

I think he was something to do with the fruit shop could be wrong memory not what it used to be,but I can always remember more about times living down Watery Lane and Hammond street than I can remember what I did last week:D

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Although I wasn't born or raised in Upperthorpe, I did have connections there. My grandparents owned the sweet shop in Addy St opposite the cinema in the early 50's. My great grandmother lived in a big old house in Shipton Street. It had several cellars which made an ideal shelter during the war. The family name is Needham. As a child visiting the area, by tram in those days, I remember walking up Albert Terrace Rd., past the Upperthorpe Tabernacle. I also recall a lady named Vera Boot, who was great at wallpapering. I think they lived in Addy Street too.

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I lived on Cross Addy street,

My cousin Jean Lived at the Spread Eagle on the opposite side of the road to the Scarborough Arms.

Docmel lived on the corner of Albion Street.

The Following Lived on aAddy street.

Robert Belk

Johnny Coggin ( Better known on the Clubs as Johnny Kalender)

Paul Lake

Cheryl Goldthorpe

Linda,Trevor and Susan Dawson

Michael Ratley.

Cross Addy Street+ Sharon & Kevin Walker,Leonard & Ann Kirk, Donald & Tony Wilson,Brian & Leslie Naylor,Cecil Spencer.

Arthur Street- Charlie Goddard

Ashburry road- Nev wright

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  • 4 years later...



Just thought we would let everyone know about our new shop opening on Upperthorpe Road S6 3EB.


We will be opening on Thursday the 20th June,


If anyone has any questions or would like more information the don't hesitate to contact us. Our links to our Facebook page are below have a look


The Veg Patch

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