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Burglary in Crookes - Terraced House

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Good Evening All,


A friend of ours has been burgled today here in Crookes. I know it's a common M.O with the thief entering the kitchen door (at the rear of the terraced property) and then taking all the Christmas presents (that had been bought only that day). Handbag also stolen.


In all areas of the city we all need to be really careful. Always lock all your doors (even if you are at home), keep your high value goods out of view and please keep your eyes open.


Burglaries at this time of the year are really common, so please make sure you spread the word and we can all keep our homes safe.

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It is shocking the amount of posts that I have read in relation to burglries. It must be so dishearting to be burgled at anytime of the year but especially at this time of the year.


They should be ashamed of themselves. Just before I moved from Crookes there were quite a few burglries happening there & that was around October.


Do these people not care?

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yes our nxt door but on had there house done over twice in a couple of weeks second time they was in the house the police said they wasnt from this area who did this and they have an idea there toerags who can break into peoples property and steal it when they have work for it the police should get the offenders and take them back to peoples houses were they did the crime and let the occupants deal with them in which way they want

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It's sad that we have to be so wary because of these 'people', sorry to hear about your friend. It seems to be a common thing for them to go along the back of a row of terraces, probably looking for a key left in the door. Not saying that's what happened here, but would like to remind people to please be mindful of this and always keep your keys in a place they can't be seen or reached from outside.

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