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9/11 - 2 years on


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Ah, Sept 11... today infact.


I have sympathy for those killed in the attacks, as I do for those killed by bombs and bullets from the skies.


Similarly I think there is a link between what happened in NYC and what happens as the result of US Foreign Policy. There has been talk that the US Administration were aware of such attacks being planned - who knows?


Although what happened cannot be condoned by anyone sane, did it warrant the US going in to Afghanistan and bombing it, seeking to destroy Al-Qaeda and "decapitate" it by neutralising OBL and Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Although they appear not to have been caught, or found dead or alive - does it make practical sense for the US to ensure his death, as surely then much of the "war on terrorism" spin somewhat is reduced in impact.

OBL is now a myth, perhaps a legend to some, who escaped the US might sent to get him.


Anyway, about a UK attack - I really do not think it is likely despite what the policiticans may tell us. In my reckoning, the public is lead to beleive there is a higher risk then there actually is (remember the Iraq dossier!) to keep the public in agreement with governement policy on the "war on terror" (ie. UK troops in countries foreign). Back to the point, why do I think we are a lower risk? Well simple - I am one who beleive that London is a hub, essentially a terrorist capital in itself. I know it sounds crazy, but my reckoning is that there are alot of dirty deals being done behind closed doors which are not immediately available to the public for obvious reasons. This could even be the UK Intelligence Agencies (which I would rate as one of the best in the world) even allowing trade-off's. I'm also pretty certain London is a haven for foreign terrorist money, and a convenient meeting point between various internation groups. In this way, the intelligence agencies are aware of who is who and whats what so to speak. As they say, its better to have your friends close, but your enemies closer.



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It's about time America was left to stand on their own. I see we have sent in more cannon fodder today, while Bin Laden goes on a televised mountain hike.


Perhaps if the US concentrated on finishing the battles they started, we may not have to clean up their mess. Afghanistan isn't mentioned on the news much these days but there is still activity there and a lot of our troops are still there, as they are in Bosnia.


Have they forgotten Vietnam? That was the last major war they decided to involve themselves in and that didn't turn out too peachy.

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