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Hen Nights what do you think.

foxy lady

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On Saturday night I was sat in a rather nice restaurant with a rather nice guy who was wining and dining me. Everything was fine. Good food, good ambiance, good wine.

Then around 9.30 the Hen Party arrived. I think it was actually a birthday celebration but that does not alter things.

Around 20 young ladies invaded the restaurant, shouting and shrieking in high pitched pandamonium. Each one intent on trying to take photograph of the group for posterity.

No one else could hear themselves think or have a civilized conversation. It spoiled the night for me. I think it lowers the status of a restaurant.


I have been on such nights myself. Always ended up drinking far more than I wanted and probably making a spectacle of myself.



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Usually a bunch of hi pitched giddy slags with pink cheap cowboy hats on, if I owned a restaurant I probably wouldn't let hens in.


I wouldn't go quite that far. I wouldn't say that they were the most refined of girls, and most had inappropriately short skirts for ladies of that size, but perhaps without their mates they would have been nice lasses.


I have never liked large groups. It always means that conversations are shouted, at which time the female voice is not at its' best.


I do wonder about expensive restaurants taking such bookings. It must upset the other diners. I thought it rather pathetic to see waiters pretending to flirt with overlarge ladies rather than attending to their regular customers.


I will think long and hard before going back again.

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I wouldn't go quite that far. I wouldn't say that they were the most refined of girls, and most had inappropriately short skirts for ladies of that size, but perhaps without their mates they would have been nice lasses.



So basically what I said but 90% less harsh (apart from you added they were fat :P)

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So basically what I said but 90% less harsh (apart from you added they were fat :P)


I was trying to be lady like and polite, but YES.:thumbsup:


Oh, and they did have hats. And perhaps the kebab shop would have been their more frequent venue.

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