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Cigarette displays in shops

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exactly . lets be honest there is enough black market cig dealers for everyone and there really is no need for shops to sell them anyway . and who buys them at that rip off price?




You can:

Bring back into the UK as much EU duty paid tobacco

and alcohol as you like as long as it is for your own use,

which includes:

• Bringing back goods for your own consumption.

• Bringing back gifts for family and friends.


You cannot:

Bring back tobacco and alcohol goods for commercial

purposes, which includes:

• Bringing back goods for payment – even payment in kind.

• Bringing back goods for friends and family if they are

paying you, giving you the cost price or paying for some

or all of your travel costs.

• Bringing back goods for re-sale.



its breaking the law, dress it up how ever you want, its still breaking the law. :loopy: wasnt it you Mr ben that wanted the police to arrest the protesters on the other thread for breaking the law at the airport :huh: so what are you saying, its alright for you to break the law as it saves you some money, but its not alright for these protesters to break the law as it doesnt save you money?

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..........do people that dont smoke "impulse buy" cigs' date=' and surely the people that smoke cigs buy them because they feel the need. how is removing the display going to alter anything?[/quote']


It is another initiative like all that has gone before it. The idea is to put smoking on the back burner, out of childrens view and mind. The process is slow and long, but it is gradually working. The rates of newer smokers is declining

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I think it's a good idea because it doesn't force people with temptation by the glaring cigarette packet logos and colours on view. Whether it works or not is another matter. The same thing should be done for alcohol products also.

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I heard a woman on radio who works in a shop that sells fags commenting on the health issues with regards hiding fags from sight in shops.


"There'll be a lot of shop staff off sick with back trouble if they have to keep bending down to get cigarettes from under the counter.":rolleyes:


She was bloody serious as well. Bloody hypochondriacs.:loopy:

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You can:

Bring back into the UK as much EU duty paid tobacco

and alcohol as you like as long as it is for your own use,

which includes:

• Bringing back goods for your own consumption.

• Bringing back gifts for family and friends.


You cannot:

Bring back tobacco and alcohol goods for commercial

purposes, which includes:

• Bringing back goods for payment – even payment in kind.

• Bringing back goods for friends and family if they are

paying you, giving you the cost price or paying for some

or all of your travel costs.

• Bringing back goods for re-sale.



its breaking the law, dress it up how ever you want, its still breaking the law. :loopy: wasnt it you Mr ben that wanted the police to arrest the protesters on the other thread for breaking the law at the airport :huh: so what are you saying, its alright for you to break the law as it saves you some money, but its not alright for these protesters to break the law as it doesnt save you money?


You've just contradicted yourself here. It's the people who are selling them who are breaking the law. Neither Mr Benn nor myself are selling anything, so it's not us not breaking the law. ;)

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If that is their wish, i have a solution. Ban the sale of cigarettes! Oh but wait that would mean the government not collecting £9 Billion in taxes from smokers while demonising smokers at the same time.


This just made me think, does anyone know the tax profit vs. the nhs cost of cigarette related diseases?


Personally I think it's daft. How will people know they sell them and what they sell :huh: There'll be a slight decline in the sale of fags generally imo probably very few of them will be underagers.

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