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Anyone attend Prince Edwards School 1937-43?


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I attended the infant and junior schools between the above dates.The only student names I remember are Stanley Hodgekiss (who gave me a bloody nose )and Jack Dumpleton.

I also remember that the Headmistress of the infants school was Miss Long, who selected me to take the milk money and bank money collected from the kids to the bank located a few shops down from the Manor Cinema.(It seems inconceivable that a 5-year-old boy would be allowed to do this task these days).

Other things I recall:

a) The atrocious state of the outside toilets in the winter

b) The small bottle of milk available each day for a 1/2 penny

c) There were no school meals available in the early years so I

used to walk home for dinner.

d) The school day started at 9am and finished at 4pm.Dinner was

from 12noon to 1pm


I would be interested if other pupils of Prince Edwards had memories of these years.

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