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RAF underground bunkers.

lee steer

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We should go simon ;) i would love to see one. i know not much is there tho :(


Hi Lee, its me simon ;)

I have been to the Holmirth ROC bunker its not locked and easily accessable. The condition is ok but many items are missing. If any one does go please respect it and dot vandelise it. close the hatch afterwards.

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As a youngster i remember what looked like bomb shelters not far from Pitworth road school. There were a couple above ground bunkers and a few underground as i recall, with tunnels running around. Anyone else remember them?

Mike Slater


Yes i remember them. i used to go to pipworth school and my friends and i used to play in the fields around there all the time and i remember being told they were old air raid shelters

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Dublugee,there was a green painted board in the shape of a bird table on the corner of i think Glebe rd at Crookes,i was told as a six year old to put my gas mask on if it changed colour.I lived in Reservoir rd then.

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Norton aerodrome has several undergoround bunkers as me and mates found whilst that area been our playground ha ha.There is several underground on there alot are collapsed and full of rubble , but there is 1 that just looks like a banking with trees on top and covered in earth but at each end is the old steel doors and as you walk in its all concrete with 4 or 5 seperate sections, it still there to this day i often walk past it now when walkin my dogs ps norton aerodrome is the old lightwood driving school now closed down but you can access all the area of bowman drive gleadless .

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  • 3 months later...
Reference to 'underground bunkers' used in WW2 to their subsequent use against the threat of a nuclear war.

In the underground cable chamber of the Sheffield Main Telephone Exchange there was a fully operational, 4 position manual switchboard to be used for communications in the event of a nuclear war. Also beds and dry rations.

There were regular 'observer core exercises' which linked up posts around the country.

A bit 'Dad's Army' but thank goodness they were never needed.


It was 8 position - 4 either side of the room. There was a ringing machine on the back wall which was pretty loud and a distraction if you were trying to hear what was being said over the phone when we tested it!

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