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Perianal Abscess- It has come back.. help!

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I posted 2 months ago about my OH as he developed what we then thought was a boil. It turned out to be a perianal abscess and got so bad over the weekend we had to visit the GP on the monday as he was in agony. That ended in him being sent to the NGH for an operation, 2 wks off work and a visit from district nurses/to GP nurse to have the open wound dressed daily. It healed and he went to see the surgeon late November when all was ok for a check up.

Well.. it's back. I have had a look and it's the same thing, same place.

He saw a GP yesterday and is on a 10day course of Anti-B's, started yesterday. He didn't hae Anti-B's last time as by the time we saw a GP it was too large and painful and the only med he had in and after hosp was mild painkillers.

I can tell he is in discomfort and it looks sore. He is obviously going to go back to the GP and see about it if it continues to worsen through tonight/tomorrow.

Just wondered if anyone had experience of these and if it is likely to be the same again- another op, time off work etc. or if they are less viscious when they recur? It is supposed to be quite common for them to recurr, I just wish not! He is also very worried about work as he has over 2wks off then (he drives for a living and is the only driver really), and although they are off for xmas from 19th dec he is worried about having to take sick time maybe from this week. I feel so sorry for him!x

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Tell him to keep on taking antibiotics - he might solve the problem without the need for further surgery.

If they dont work and it gets worse then he;ll probably have a

another wee operation. They do recur commonly. He will probably be offered an MRI scan if it needs another operation to check the anatomy down there, make sure there's no longstanding problem that needs rectifying.

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Tell him to keep on taking antibiotics - he might solve the problem without the need for further surgery.

If they dont work and it gets worse then he;ll probably have a

another wee operation. They do recur commonly. He will probably be offered an MRI scan if it needs another operation to check the anatomy down there, make sure there's no longstanding problem that needs rectifying.


Thanks for your reply, you sound like someone in the know! I just googled antibiotics and perianal abscess and got a result saying anal abscess cannot be treat with anti-b's alone and require surgery?? It did say ANAL rather than peri-anal so maybe I read it wrong, I hope som I think I have scared him now!

I just didn't think they recurred so soon if they did, it has been 2 months since his op! Do you know what a fistula is? Without trying to diagnose on a forum but I read something about them in connection to these abscesses?


Last time, he was in agony on the Sunday and Monday AM. By the time we got to early PM and to to hosp it eventually started to leak on it's own and he was able to walk half-normally again (until then it had been a very slow John Wayne style hobble) but by then he was in hosp and they wanted to operate. As it was just a case of going on the list it meant he starved for the best part of 3 days and wasn't operated on til 2 days after admission due to more important cases being rushed in obviusly. He is really dreading all that again, but if needs be then I guess that's how it will be! x

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Like I said - keep taking the antibiotics! They can treat perianal abscesses.

If he's having recurrent abscesses they'll do the MRI scan to rule out any fistulas.

Best advice is not to pay any attention to stuff you read on the internet - who knows who's written it! (except my advice of course :suspect:)

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Like I said - keep taking the antibiotics! They can treat perianal abscesses.

If he's having recurrent abscesses they'll do the MRI scan to rule out any fistulas.

Best advice is not to pay any attention to stuff you read on the internet - who knows who's written it! (except my advice of course :suspect:)


Haha... ok we will see how it goes. I suppose he will know himself if it feels worse/like last time.

Thanks for your advice, I will keep you posted (whether you like it or not!):hihi::thumbsup:

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I had the misfortune to suffer this type of abscess about 20 years ago. What I thought was a boil or piles developed into this abscess and what made it worse was that I was about 80 miles west of the Outer Hebrides on a warship when it was diagnosed. I got a free but uncomfortable helicopter ride to a base in Scotland the next day, followed by an overnight sleeper train to Plymouth. I was operated on that day and spent 8 days in hospital, mainly to get the wound 'cleaned and packed' each day, a very painful experience. I was warned there was evidence that another could appear at any time but touch wood, I have been fortunate so far. It is by far the most painful medical problem I have ever had and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy :wow:

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I had the misfortune to suffer this type of abscess about 20 years ago. What I thought was a boil or piles developed into this abscess and what made it worse was that I was about 80 miles west of the Outer Hebrides on a warship when it was diagnosed. I got a free but uncomfortable helicopter ride to a base in Scotland the next day, followed by an overnight sleeper train to Plymouth. I was operated on that day and spent 8 days in hospital, mainly to get the wound 'cleaned and packed' each day, a very painful experience. I was warned there was evidence that another could appear at any time but touch wood, I have been fortunate so far. It is by far the most painful medical problem I have ever had and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy :wow:


Ouch!! Blummin hell... well I know it must really hurt as my OH is not one to moan ever when he is ill with things like cold, he just goes quiet, stops eating as much, as this 'look' but doesn't like to admit to himself when he is ill or in pain, I can just tell.

Glad you got the treatment and it hasn't come back.. and Scotland to Plymouth... talk about long journey!:hihi:

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  • 2 years later...

hi my son is now going in for his 8th operation on his absesses.he has had perianal absessess and the other ones higher up.they have told him he has a fistula and all they can do is to keep operating each time they come up.antibioctics do not work we know after 8 absesses.each time he has them layed open and also has a seton inplace. when will this end my boy is only 21 and has had 7 operations in 9 months help!!!:(:(:(

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hi my son is now going in for his 8th operation on his absesses.he has had perianal absessess and the other ones higher up.they have told him he has a fistula and all they can do is to keep operating each time they come up.antibioctics do not work we know after 8 absesses.each time he has them layed open and also has a seton inplace. when will this end my boy is only 21 and has had 7 operations in 9 months help!!!:(:(:(


Poor lad, he has my sympathy, as I've had a few of these. I was plagued with them for a few years - and the doctor told me there was nothing I could do to prevent them.


The only comfort I can offer is that they just suddenly stopped! I don't know why, but I haven't had one in years, and hopefully won't have any more.


Fingers crossed that the same happens for your son and they stop appearing.

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hi my son is now going in for his 8th operation on his absesses.he has had perianal absessess and the other ones higher up.they have told him he has a fistula and all they can do is to keep operating each time they come up.antibioctics do not work we know after 8 absesses.each time he has them layed open and also has a seton inplace. when will this end my boy is only 21 and has had 7 operations in 9 months help!!!:(:(:(

Oh no that's terrible! :(


I have just recovered from my 2nd operation on one of these... have been laid up since New Year.... I am desperatley hoping it doesn't come back again!


The first one was 2.5yrs ago, and I have had a few flare-ups in between that were treated with antibiotics.


My sympathies for your son - I know how awful they are, and would be beside myself if this had happened as frequently as his :(

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