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Perianal Abscess- It has come back.. help!

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i suffered one of these 26 years ago. i'd had discomfort for weeks and finally went to my g.p. i was operated on the same night and was off work for 6 weeks, having the dressing changed daily. a year later it returned and remembering the pain i went through i was terrified. fortunately it was caught early and treated with antibiotics. as simonj says, i wouldn't wish one of these on anyone.

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43 yr old fairly healthy male. Never smoked, hardly drink. BP in the good range.


Well i was operated on 6 weeks ago now for 1 perianal and 1 anal fistula and both were drained and thought to have healed well. Nurses only had half a cm wound to pack in the end, so stopped coming to me.


Now i notice some increased discharge compared to 2 weeks ago and back to some pain (nothing compared to the agony i was in before the op.).


I have been walking a bit and the discharge tends to start after this. There is also soreness from friction caused by this I think.


I am worried that the situation has flared up again although i am eating and drinking properly now compared to before.


I have had a lot of family stress and am jobless (have been for 3 months) so this might not be helping.


I was on amoxycilin for just 2 weeks post-op and only paracetomol after this.


Should i go back to get checked?


Thanks for any advice in advance.

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43 yr old fairly healthy male. Never smoked, hardly drink. BP in the good range.


Well i was operated on 6 weeks ago now for 1 perianal and 1 anal fistula and both were drained and thought to have healed well. Nurses only had half a cm wound to pack in the end, so stopped coming to me.


Now i notice some increased discharge compared to 2 weeks ago and back to some pain (nothing compared to the agony i was in before the op.).


I have been walking a bit and the discharge tends to start after this. There is also soreness from friction caused by this I think.


I am worried that the situation has flared up again although i am eating and drinking properly now compared to before.


I have had a lot of family stress and am jobless (have been for 3 months) so this might not be helping.


I was on amoxycilin for just 2 weeks post-op and only paracetomol after this.


Should i go back to get checked?


Thanks for any advice in advance.


SeanOC...it is clealy of concern to you so yes and check with the GP would be appropriate. If you have got an infection ...or the wound hasn't healed then better to sort out quickly.

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Hi SeanOC.


Definitely get it checked out before it gets worse.


I have just had a similar problem and was worried that it had come back but it was caused by the scar tissue being very thin and causing it to discharge and bleed. In my case it was not too bad but very sore and inflamed and I was prescribed some Xyloproct ointment. I'm glad to say that after a week of applying this all is now OK.


Get it sorted ASP and I hope you feel better soon.

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Hi I am in my 9th week after having a perianal abscess drained. Wound is still open and still leaking. I have been told it was deep and will take a bit longer to heal.

So I would get it checked if I was you !


Has anyone had similar experience as mine ?

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I've had a few of these caused by having Crohns in my case. I've now been left with a couple of fistulas but touch would these have been very little trouble. I would echo that there is little that compares pain wise with one of these.

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