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Perianal Abscess- It has come back.. help!

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Hi I am in my 9th week after having a perianal abscess drained. Wound is still open and still leaking. I have been told it was deep and will take a bit longer to heal.

So I would get it checked if I was you !


Has anyone had similar experience as mine ?


Yes, me :)


I my abscess drained on New Years Eve (ooh what fun timing!) so that's about 15weeks now. I had it packed every day by a nurse so that it healed from the base upwards instead of sealing over leaving a cavity - is that how they treated you?


It healed quite nicely at the time - I was only off work for 3wks, and it was totally healed over in about 4wks. I took lots of vitamins and manuka honey to aid the healing process.


But, after a particularly tiring weekend in mid March it flared up again (it seems to happen when I am feeling run down)


My doc prescribed me a course of antibiotics but it continued to grow until the point where I thought it might need operating on again... then I woke up one morning to find it had burst & drained itself :gag: using the recently healed over tract for the bad stuff to escape through.


That healed over again while I continued to take the antibiotics but it keeps flaring up then draining itself now.


I have been told that basically this will continue to happen until I have another op to root around and find & remove the cause of the problem. I've got an appointment for a consultation with the surgeon but it's not until May.


I find that lots of rest, healthy diet, vitamins etc helps to keep it at bay.


I saw this article the other day which was quite interesting:


My Mum swears by Manuka honey and bought me a jar of the really strong stuff (30+) while I was recovering.


This website is also interesting:


Lots of other people's experiences on there.


Good luck on Monday SeanOC - let us know how you get on xx

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Wow, very interesting and thanks for posting.


I am so sorry for you that it flared up again after seemingly healing. Thinking maybe the same has happened to me.


I was worried sick when my problem started in Feb. My father was diagnosed with bowel cancer aged 41 and operated on, with the result being a colostomy. Poor diet being the main contributor. He was given 2 years to live when the cancer spread but lasted to age 61 before dying.


So anything bowel/anal related scares me. I asked for a colonoscopy to be done while i was 'under' for the abcess drain op. This was thankfully all clear.


Thanks so much for posting the links and i will buy some honey tomorrow. I have been taking chewable Vit. C tablets at twice the dose to help speed healing.


I will update on Monday :)

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I've had these on my poo hole on and off for donkeys years, they are very painful. What I do is to soak a cloth in water that is so hot I can only just handle it, I then apply it to the offending area, don't worry about the pain, it won't be any worse to what he's got. This should burst the abscess, then keep placing TCP sodden cotton buds there, it always works for me.

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Thanks for info. No I had no packing after op, and yes after say 4wks outside healed over then swelling again then drained itself ! and again after say 7 wks yes swelling healed over and drained again !!


Yes i find walking and going to the loo results in leaking!!!


Thats a great tip, will hopefully not need to try it, hopefully im now healing!!!!!!!!

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I've had these on my poo hole on and off for donkeys years, they are very painful. What I do is to soak a cloth in water that is so hot I can only just handle it, I then apply it to the offending area, don't worry about the pain, it won't be any worse to what he's got. This should burst the abscess, then keep placing TCP sodden cotton buds there, it always works for me.

Someone I know recommended filling a bath with water as hot as you can handle, dissolving some salt in it, and sitting in it as long as you can :|

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Someone I know recommended filling a bath with water as hot as you can handle, dissolving some salt in it, and sitting in it as long as you can :|


Yes, done that and it works, however it's a bit more long winded for the same effect, I should have said that I also use salt baths.


I reckon that we burst a very small blood vessel when we're doing number 2's, we don't notice it do we? I've bought some of those new toilet wipes, just to attempt to cut down on the infection.

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Well I went to the GP and after examination there is no re-infection and it's still healing normally, although I have been ask to cut back on the walking as it is quite red and inflamed.


He has prescribed Flucloxacillin and I have to go back if there is still discharge in a couple of weeks.


My blood pressure was on the high side, so he gave me a leaflet on hypertension, but as this isn't usual I think I was just worried about the outcome of the examination, which was done after the BP test.


He also said sitz baths twice a day would help, but I have been doing this anyway, although just once a day.


Quite relieved, but I need to take the advice :)

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