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Perianal Abscess- It has come back.. help!

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I've had these on my poo hole on and off for donkeys years, they are very painful. What I do is to soak a cloth in water that is so hot I can only just handle it, I then apply it to the offending area, don't worry about the pain, it won't be any worse to what he's got. This should burst the abscess, then keep placing TCP sodden cotton buds there, it always works for me.


crookesey I think you've read the OP wrong and volunteered too much information, the threads actually about perinatal access, we don't need to know about the in and outs of your back passage, lordy I wouldn't want to be a cotton bud in your house :hihi:

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Hi I am in my 9th week after having a perianal abscess drained. Wound is still open and still leaking. I have been told it was deep and will take a bit longer to heal.

So I would get it checked if I was you !


Has anyone had similar experience as mine ?


Ooh must dash to get the bread for dipping!

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I totally agree Mapleboy, just got to laugh about it. Although I wasn't laughing when that first dressing was removed! Ouch!
Oh yes, that's a memory I could do without, a very pretty young nurse, (who in other circumstances...), advancing on me with a pair of tweezers to "gently" pull it out. Ouch is an understatement!
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I totally agree Mapleboy, just got to laugh about it. Although I wasn't laughing when that first dressing was removed! Ouch!


They had me sit in a warm bath for 30 mins in preparation for removing the first dressing, which they expected me to do myself :shocked:


Well I tried, it hurt like hell, I wimped out... and pulled the cord to summon a nurse. Getting off my knees and climbing out of cold, blood red bathwater some time later having screamed like a girl, I had a further week of daily suffering, my sense of modesty and embarrassment rapidly eroded :blush:

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Perianl Abscesses have been the bain of my life for the past four years!


I experienced my first in August 2007 when a large swelling developed on the left buttock with fairly sever pain and the inability to sit down. My GP referred me immediately to hospital where the abscess was incised and drained. After several months of daily packing and dressing the wound had not fully healed and there was still occasional weeping from a small hole.


I was readmitted to hospital in April 2008 where the same surgeon inserted a Seton Stitch to fully drain the abscess site. Unfortunately, the surgeon did not speak to me following the procedure to explain exactly what had been done nor how to treat the wound. On discharge, a nurse checked the wound and told me that there was still a small sponge in my rectum but that would come out itself in a day or so.


Over the next few days, I could feel this “thread” dangling from my anus and assumed that this was attached to small sponge previously mentioned by the nurse. I tried to gently pull this out a couple of times but without success. I then phoned the surgeon to query this and was told that there was no sponge and that this “thread” was, in fact, the Seton Stitch and to leave it alone. The Seton Stitch dropped out of its own accord after a few months and everything appeared okay.


In January 2009. I had a recurrence of the abscess at the same site and had surgery to have it incised and drained, followed by several months of packing and dressing until it eventually healed fully in July.


In February 2010, I has yet another abscess at the same site and was give antibiotics by my GP, it burst overnight and yet again, I had to persevere with daily packing and dressings until it healed in July.


In February 2011, the abscess reappeared and burst within a day of starting antibiotics from my GP. This time, it was not large enough to require packing and after frequent visits to the surgery for dressings, it healed in March.


In April 2011, I noticed another swelling at the same site and commenced a course of antibiotics I had previously been given. The abscess burst overnight and required regular packing and dressing at surgery until late June.


The latest abscess, at the same site, appeared in early August 2011 and burst the following day. It was a bit deeper than previous ones and I have now once again started a regime of regular visits to the surgery for packing and dressing.


I had been referred to my original surgeon several months ago by my GP to see if he can examine me to find why they keep recurring so frequently but am still awaiting an appointment.


I have, however, discovered a novel way by which I can pack the wound myself – normally impossible due the inaccessible location of the wound. I remove the clip-on webcam from my computer monitor and mount it on the edge of a drawer that is around knee height. I can then slouch in my desk chair in front of, and close to, the camera until I can get a good view of the wound. I have found that I can then insert the Sorbisan packing into the wound with a little care – it takes a bit of getting used to moving the applicator in the opposite direction to that shown on the PC monitor. Perhaps others might consider giving this a try.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Im glad to know im not the only one suffering from these. This is the 3rd one i have had in as many months, so far ive been given antibotics, they get rid of the pain and shrink it and some are able to get rid of them but not worked in my case, im waiting for a doctors call tomorrow to see if i can just get a perscription but have a bad feeling its going to end up with a visit to the hospital. Ive heard several things with regards to the operation, ive been told that it can be drained under an outpatient visit but also been told that it could require a stay in hospital and up to 4 weeks off work, which im sure as with most of you i can afford that much time off work. Still with regards to the pain issue trust me when i say its nowhere near as bad as the pain you experience with a haemorrhoidectomy as i had one of those years ago... can anyone tell me how bad the pain is after the operation, im a total wimp :(

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