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Perianal Abscess- It has come back.. help!

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Many thanks for your post, very interesting.


Kiwi68@hotmail.co.uk if you would like to talk further. I will login to the forum tonight if you have time to chat.


Kind Regards



---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 10:40 ----------


since April 2013 I have had what appears to be a small abscess just outside opening. pus almost daily (not always after BM). some fresh red blood not quite daily (not always after BM). no noticeable odor. Mild discomfort and rectal aching. occasional sitz baths, keeping area clean w/ witch hazel, some neosporin at times. bowel movements do not seem to trouble the area.


7/23/13 went to clinic for rectal exam (dr said "nothing alarming, no need to cut") prescribed 2 weeks oral and anal antibiotics which resulted in little to no change in condition.


8/26/13 went to clinic for follow up and dr couldn't confirm fistula so wants to schedule an exam under sedation for possible fistula repair, fistulotomy, possible seton. (I am not ok with this idea). They called to tell me it costs more than $20kUS. which if I chose to do surgery, I'm not sure how I'd ever pay this nor how to make the time. I'm a business owner, if my shop is closed I do not have money coming in.


8/30/13 I remembered that I have had this condition 2 years ago, my ObGyn looked at it and prescribed antibiotics that cleared it up until this year. I called and am currently taking these antibiotics again which seem to be helping. Little to no pus the last few days but I'm achy down there... but I also weeded the garden and was squatting for about 2 hours and I'm on my period so right now deciding how I "feel" down there is difficult.


I am trying homeopathic remedies as well and am VERY interested in what foods I should be eating or avoiding. I bought a juicer and have been doing that for less than a week but love it and hope it's good for me. Kiwi68 what are you doing that's working? I'd love to remedy this issue as surgery needs to be the last resort for me.



hello paininmy...


Wondered how you were doing?


Would you have time to keep a diary of what you are eating/drinking for a week, how much and when and whether it is raw/cooked?


Kind regards


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  • 6 years later...

Hi, not sure if anyone looks at this thread any more, have just read through it all and scared myself silly. My pain started on Wednesday and by Friday night it was unbearable, got antibiotics on Saturday from GP but ended up having to go to A&E as the pain was so bad. Took bloods and it showed I was fighting off an infection, and the A&E doctor examined me. Said it was 'too severe' and was approx 2cmx2cm, he's referred me to Day Surgery on Tuesday morning. The pain and swelling seems to be easing a bit with the antibiotics. My question. does the Drain and Incision always have to be under general aesthetic? I am absolutely terrified of it, and as it's been sprung on me and I smoke I have quit now but it won't be long and I understand smoking increases the risk of GE. I have a really high pain threshold having had lumbar punctures etc in the past with no sedation so I would really much prefer local anaesthetic or maybe an epidural? Scaring myself silly here :/

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1 hour ago, Poppy23 said:

Hi, not sure if anyone looks at this thread any more, have just read through it all and scared myself silly. My pain started on Wednesday and by Friday night it was unbearable, got antibiotics on Saturday from GP but ended up having to go to A&E as the pain was so bad. Took bloods and it showed I was fighting off an infection, and the A&E doctor examined me. Said it was 'too severe' and was approx 2cmx2cm, he's referred me to Day Surgery on Tuesday morning. The pain and swelling seems to be easing a bit with the antibiotics. My question. does the Drain and Incision always have to be under general aesthetic? I am absolutely terrified of it, and as it's been sprung on me and I smoke I have quit now but it won't be long and I understand smoking increases the risk of GE. I have a really high pain threshold having had lumbar punctures etc in the past with no sedation so I would really much prefer local anaesthetic or maybe an epidural? Scaring myself silly here 😕

you should speak to your doctor about your worries.


you certainly shouldn't rely on the internet or canival of loons who post on here for medical advice.


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Hopefully I won't be classed as a loon - having had personal experience of something similar! I know its not quite the same but I had sedation and epidural when I had haemorrhoids removed several years ago. It knocks you out but hasn't got the dangers of General anaesthetic - I recommend it. Think it's commonly used nowadays.

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  • 2 months later...

Some of these horror stories....


Had an operation this morning to drain an abscess. 4 days of the worst pain I've ever felt. Anyway looking for a little advice. After the operation they placed like a roll of some sort of bandage in between the old cheeks and was wondering if they did this with any of you guys? And if they did how long did you keep it on for and if so what did you do after (cleaning ect.)

Lucking they said once the packing falls out it doesn't need replacing so sounds like I dodged a bullet there.


Thanks guys

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1 hour ago, Hi there said:

Some of these horror stories....


Had an operation this morning to drain an abscess. 4 days of the worst pain I've ever felt. Anyway looking for a little advice. After the operation they placed like a roll of some sort of bandage in between the old cheeks and was wondering if they did this with any of you guys? And if they did how long did you keep it on for and if so what did you do after (cleaning ect.)

Lucking they said once the packing falls out it doesn't need replacing so sounds like I dodged a bullet there.


Thanks guys

I had a large one drained about 10 years ago, the nurse said it looked like an eye socket without the eyeball in! The district nurse came round every day for about 4 weeks to irrigate with saline solution, clean and repack and during that time I also had to use sanitary towels. Advised to have a bath each morning to make it easier to manage but was given some conflicting advice, Dr said use bath salts when bathing and the Nurse said don't so I went with the Doctors advice. I don't know if the procedure has changed that much since as it has to heal from the inside out and that's why it gets packed with a gauze strip. Gauze gets removed, the hole then irrigated and cleaned with saline solution and then repacked with fresh gauze. I do remember the nurse noting the length of the gauze being packed in every day as that is an indicator as to how fast its healing. One tip I was told is to try and poo in the morning just before having a bath and wipe away from the wound.


Hope that's not depressed you...  Anyways... bottoms up!

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1 hour ago, apelike said:

I had a large one drained about 10 years ago, the nurse said it looked like an eye socket without the eyeball in! The district nurse came round every day for about 4 weeks to irrigate with saline solution, clean and repack and during that time I also had to use sanitary towels. Advised to have a bath each morning to make it easier to manage but was given some conflicting advice, Dr said use bath salts when bathing and the Nurse said don't so I went with the Doctors advice. I don't know if the procedure has changed that much since as it has to heal from the inside out and that's why it gets packed with a gauze strip. Gauze gets removed, the hole then irrigated and cleaned with saline solution and then repacked with fresh gauze. I do remember the nurse noting the length of the gauze being packed in every day as that is an indicator as to how fast its healing. One tip I was told is to try and poo in the morning just before having a bath and wipe away from the wound.


Hope that's not depressed you...  Anyways... bottoms up!

That is all far too familiar to me and brings back some very unpleasant memories from 1988.  The only time I've ever been hospitalised and I wouldn't wish the experience on my worst enemy! Well, apart from my ............... :)

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When I had the gauze removed the day after my op the pain was excruciating! The hole was then plugged with a kind of moulded plastic held in with tape. I had a warm salt bath daily and as the wound healed a.new plug was fitted. It took a month or so before I could return to work. As others have commented, I wouldn't wish this on anybody.

Mine returned a year later but it was caught early and antibiotics sorted it.

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