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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?

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I saw this thread title and thought of the thing i watched the other day think it was called david diary of a heroin user. It was about a man on heroin and he was filming his life but didnt realise he would be filming the end of his life. A family member of mine was a heroin user his children now live with my grandparents who adopted them. I always had bad things to say about users. But after watching this documentary my views have swayed. It is a sad matter and no i dont agree with it but there are always a lot of other issues mainly involved in why they end up users.


yes i watched this too

i felt very sorry for his family and his parents :(

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But this will never be. Come on face reality, they are not gonna change


my friends sister was an addict for years and all though its been a long 2 year struggle she's now clean and is in a happy relationship and her partner knows nothing of her past....so it is possible don't be so negative :(

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I am puzzled by this post..

Is it only the "bad stuff" that is addictive?


Can you really see all the addicts all going to this specific place, where would they get the fare from to get there everyday and would the pharmaceutical heroin really be any cheaper for them to afford, or would the taxpayer have to pick up the bill for this?


And finally do you really think that alcohol and tobacco really are far more damaging?

Medically the tobacco may be more damaging but what about lifestyle and crime associated with heroin users?


Of course it isn't just the bad stuff that's addictive....you missed the point.


The bad stuff is poor quality cut with all sorts of stuff that has nothing to do with heroin (crushed up dog worming tablets, paracetamol, washing powder - anything that's the same colour)......they are just fillers to make the dealers more money.


Again you miss the point when I talk about specific places.....addicts already have to get to specific places to get their methodone and subutex which is prescribed on the NHS. Ergo, if they were prescribed heroin they would use it at the specific place only (so called 'shooting galleries'). By doing this you are taking the control away from organised criminals and eliminating the need for crime to fund the addiction.


Alcohol and tobacco are far more damaging, both physically and in sociological terms than all of the illegal drugs put together. :)

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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?


Well it is my choice to form my own opinion in very much the same way they had a choice not to take Heroin and get themselves addicted to it in the first place.


My opinion is they are the lowest of the low, they theive from their families, friends and will steal anything that is not nailed down.


They beg, pollute our town centre, railway and bus stations, and leave dirty needles lying around all over the place.


And more importantly i consider them to be the lowest of the low and the human equivelent of vermin and more importantly it was their choice to take it in the first place, much as it was my choice to work for a living and live my life on the right side of the law.


I 100% agree.and before anyone jumps on me, this subject is very close to my heart,.I had a very good friend and workmate who died from the devestating aftermath of taking heroin.A nicer lad you would never wish to meet.Id rather not go into detail but i still agree with brownieblade.

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Alcohol and tobacco are far more damaging, both physically and in sociological terms than all of the illegal drugs put together. :)


I don't know who's been feeding you this rubbish, but that's a crock of crap.


Maybe Cannabis and Coke at a push, but you can't begin to contrast with Heroin.


And I'm confused - why do you smile when you say it? :huh:

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My take on this people is that sometimes circumstances dictate that this is the road they will end up down. .



im sorry but i dont agree with this, i have had a totally boll ox childhood and a *****ty teens to be honest and suffererd numerous horrendous things, i am probably still coping with a lot of it but i didnt choose to ignore my problems by sticking a needle in my arm and hope for the best it would all go away. i think the addicts that blame their past for their addiction are lazy cowards that dont want to face their emotional turmoil!


im glad for the people that finally do face their demons though and like ive said before the majority of smack heads never succesfully 100% come off it and its not that the help isnt available to them its that they just dont want it! but i also know there are a few people that do succesfully come off it.

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im sorry but i dont agree with this, i have had a totally boll ox childhood and a *****ty teens to be honest and suffererd numerous horrendous things, i am probably still coping with a lot of it but i didnt choose to ignore my problems by sticking a needle in my arm and hope for the best it would all go away. i think the addicts that blame their past for their addiction are lazy cowards that dont want to face their emotional turmoil!


im glad for the people that finally do face their demons though and like ive said before the majority of smack heads never succesfully 100% come off it and its not that the help isnt available to them its that they just dont want it! but i also know there are a few people that do succesfully come off it.


Very well said, Katy. :)


Ditto here too.

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But it's harder to bother the general public in there.


i see your point hun, but surely it would be easier over all for them? lets face it they get their meals, they have tv, electic, gas and in some cases games concoles and the internet and guess what? THATS RIGHT THEY DONT PAY FOR IT! and they can still fill themselves with heroine while idiots like me and the rest of us go to work and pay our taxes some of which goes to keeping prisons running.


and i say the goverment should make it legal to an extent some sort of system could be sorted where the addicts can get it from the doctor at a resonable price, this would result in a decline of the dealers and the lower price would be more affordable to the addicts. so surely crime levels and prostitution would dip slightly which would also lead to less arrests and convictions hence more room in prisons, and the heroine the docs would supply would surely be very clean and that would result in fewer cases of overdoses due to not knowing how it was cut and then overdosing or havin a dodgy bag which would result in less time spent in hospitals by these divvys which would free up a little time for the eldery, infirmed and children.


its just a thought though.

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I don't know who's been feeding you this rubbish, but that's a crock of crap.


Maybe Cannabis and Coke at a push, but you can't begin to contrast with Heroin.


And I'm confused - why do you smile when you say it? :huh:


I thought you might have some idea of where I am coming from Stagey :confused:


I support someone on a daily basis who will admit he is an alcoholic.....he tells me of how destructive it is.....how most of the problems he has had with the police have stemmed from misusing alcohol.


The illegal drugs are damaging enough....I can't argue with that but you can't walk into the local shop and buy cheap smack. There is plenty of cheap booze that the government sanctions. Just look on West Street on any weekend night.....loads of teenagers completely ratted falling all over and fighting. This costs in the policing and NHS hospital related treatments of people who get themselves hurt. How much domestic violence and rapes occur through drink.....how many people killed by drink drivers etc etc.


All of this has a negative effect on society as a whole. And this is the legal substance which is not controlled and the government is OK with. And WHY? Because the government makes vast amounts of revenue from the sale of alcohol. It doesn't care what impact it has on the individual.


Tobacco likewise, LEGAL and those who use it are heavily taxed - how many hospital beds are taken up with patients with smoking related illnesses.


A few questions for all of us......how many people do we know who use alcohol and tobacco.....how many of those are out of control and are addicted....how many of those have DIED as a result of the addiction. Now ask yourself the same question about heroin.....how many people do we know who use heroin? How many do we know who have died as a result of using heroin?


The person I support - who incidentally spent 14 years as a multiple drug addict (including heroin and crack cocaine) - hasn't died from his drug use, yet he KNOWS that both alcohol and tobacco not could, but WILL kill him if he carries on.


And the smiley.....it was meant to reflect the irony.

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I thought you might have some idea of where I am coming from Stagey :confused:


I support someone on a daily basis who will admit he is an alcoholic.....he tells me of how destructive it is.....how most of the problems he has had with the police have stemmed from misusing alcohol.


The illegal drugs are damaging enough....I can't argue with that but you can't walk into the local shop and buy cheap smack. There is plenty of cheap booze that the government sanctions. Just look on West Street on any weekend night.....loads of teenagers completely ratted falling all over and fighting. This costs in the policing and NHS hospital related treatments of people who get themselves hurt. How much domestic violence and rapes occur through drink.....how many people killed by drink drivers etc etc.


All of this has a negative effect on society as a whole. And this is the legal substance which is not controlled and the government is OK with. And WHY? Because the government makes vast amounts of revenue from the sale of alcohol. It doesn't care what impact it has on the individual.


Tobacco likewise, LEGAL and those who use it are heavily taxed - how many hospital beds are taken up with patients with smoking related illnesses.


A few questions for all of us......how many people do we know who use alcohol and tobacco.....how many of those are out of control and are addicted....how many of those have DIED as a result of the addiction. Now ask yourself the same question about heroin.....how many people do we know who use heroin? How many do we know who have died as a result of using heroin?


The person I support - who incidentally spent 14 years as a multiple drug addict (including heroin and crack cocaine) - hasn't died from his drug use, yet he KNOWS that both alcohol and tobacco not could, but WILL kill him if he carries on.


And the smiley.....it was meant to reflect the irony.


sorry to hear of your problems ,but your analisis is nonsence . alcohol and heroin are totally different problems and not to be compared together .

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