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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?

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I don't think the drugs are incomparable. They both impare the user and cause them to do illegal acts.

They are comparable in that they are both drugs. That's about it, IMO.


Alcohol may impair some users after use (in a negative way). Heroin impairs the user before the use, in that they will do anything to get it.

I think your point, although very stereotypical :P, still isn't necessarily correct. If we were going by stereotypes...a heroin addict commits crimes for a motive (to get more heroin) so after they've committed for example a theft of someones wallet, they'll cease their criminal behaviour for their habit. An alcohol "user" gets drunk and their crimes are more random and usually unmotivated. I've also known people to get into several fights and vandalise each time they go out.

Some of that is pretty much what I've just said above ^^ (I'm not convinced we are completely arguing ;)).

If you also look at the language I've used, it differs slightly. I've referred to heroid addicts and just alcohol "users". This is because from what I've learnt, people who take heroin just once or twice aren't addicts - and they don't usually commit crime to get heroin unless they are. Basically what I'm trying to say is that you're more likely to commit crimes with heroin if you're an addict. Where as alcohol related crime can be done by anyone at anytime who doesn't have an addiction. They can simply have 1 pint too many on the odd night and cause a lot of trouble.

The difference with the drugs is that only about 1 in 10 people who drink alcohol will become physically addicted to it in the long run. (source, I can find if ness). Whereas more than 9/10 heroin users will become completely physically dependant with only one or two uses. (also can get links)

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I'd have to say yes and no to that.


I agree on the hard approach to addicts who've caused crimes as a result of their addiction (apart from that of taking an illegal drug)


I think addicts who haven't actually caused other crimes are fine. I have no quarms about them and their choice to do that particular drug. I've known people who have taken heroin regularly and it hasn't effected them - physically or mentally.


I think I'm just trying to push my legalisation argument forward again but I'll stop at the risk of sounding like a broken record!

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" The difference with the drugs is that only about 1 in 10 people who drink alcohol will become physically addicted to it in the long run. (source, I can find if ness). Whereas more than 9/10 heroin users will become completely physically dependant with only one or two uses. (also can get links)"


But as I said. You don't need to be an addict of alcohol to commit crime, whereas people who take heroin just once don't automatically go out and cause crime.

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I'd have to say yes and no to that.


I agree on the hard approach to addicts who've caused crimes as a result of their addiction (apart from that of taking an illegal drug)


I think addicts who haven't actually caused other crimes are fine. I have no quarms about them and their choice to do that particular drug. I've known people who have taken heroin regularly and it hasn't effected them - physically or mentally.


I think I'm just trying to push my legalisation argument forward again but I'll stop at the risk of sounding like a broken record!


I'm absolutely all for a regulated legalisation. I always have been of that opinion. I've posted on many threads arguing the reasons for it. Not to give a 'free ride' for addicts so much... but for the free ride to the victims of crime, and for the police to be able to spend more time tackling other crimes (like pulling me over for non-seatbelt use :rant::mad::hihi: £30 f****g quid :mad:) - I jest. :P

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Hey Julado,


There's a whole order of difference between alcohol addiction and heroin addiction.


When alcohol is made illegal there's a totally different set of crimes associated with the prohibition.


Typically alcohol addicts will not commit the crimes against the person that heroin addicts are willing to commit to get their drug of choice.

Heroin is an all consuming drug. Have you ever tried it and realised its power?


There is a WHOLE lot of difference - the main one being that one is legal and one is not.


Not all heroin addicts commit crimes against the person to get the money for their fix......the person I support never robbed old ladies or broke into peoples homes.


However, he has been in a whole heap of trouble with the police through drink - and some of it isn't pretty.


I haven't personally tried it....have you? What I do know is that the person I support had a 14 year habit.....and it cost him dearly. However, he kicked it but not through choice.


I never knew him as an addict - I can't imagine how pitiful it was.....but I do know him as an alcoholic and sometimes it's not nice.


I am hoping he will add to this thread some of his first hand experiences.

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There is no point in this heroin versus alcohol argument as their effects on society are different and both need to be tackled in different ways and there isn't a competition to see which is the most important. Legalising heroin would drastically reduce the amount of crime that is committed by those who are desperate for their next fix. Having got their fix it doesn't turn them into the same kind of vicious, nasty violent people as alcohol sometimes does but they may behave like that when trying to get the next fix that their out of control body demands. Legalising it would not remove the heroin problem at a stroke as there would still be the existing users to deal with and get them off the drug and so it would be a long term strategy over many years to discourage people from starting in the first place. Alcohol when used in moderation, as it is by most people, does not cause the harm that heroin causes to virtually everyone who uses it.

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Legalising anything won't make the issues go away.

If they can't afford it when it's illegal they can't afford it when its legal. If they were to legalise heroin the only change would be in opinion and social stigma.


Although there is currently more stigma attached to being a drunk driver than an illegal drug user.

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Legalising anything won't make the issues go away.

If they can't afford it when it's illegal they can't afford it when its legal. If they were to legalise heroin the only change would be in opinion and social stigma.


Although there is currently more stigma attached to being a drunk driver than an illegal drug user.

I think we've had this discussion before. Legalising heroin would drastically reduce it's consumption because there would be no one pushing weaker members of the community into using it in return for massive amounts of ill gotten cash. That is the issue behind heroin use, not the users themselves, they are the symptoms. I do think that you yourself seem to have your opinion based on the stigma of it being illegal and only on that.
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