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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?

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I haven't said anything like that although some come from such backgrounds it's not everyone by any means. My opinion of drug users is based on the experiences of what were perfectly "ordinary, normal" people I know who were naively lured into it by wicked dealers expoiting their weakness and have now ruined their own and others lives.


I wasn't accusing you of saying it Darbees - i think we are both looking for the same solution just fom different perspectives.

To date i've never known a user not try to excuse why they use.

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If you tell me which bit i'll clarify it further for you if you wish.


All of it. Let's look at some of the aspects that would change from drug legalisation...


- In terms of the drug itself, it would be made in safer conditions meaning a safer drug. Because of the value of a potential drug business it wouldn't be too much to expect the drugs being completely altered so they're much safer.


- The we have to look at the sale of the item. First of all (especially with the growing unemployment in this country) 1000s of jobs would be made in this country for the marketing and selling of the product. At the moment tabacco is taxed at about 80%. If all drugs were taxed the same, the government would stand to make billions. This was shown in a canadian study that you'd be able to google easily enough.


- Then in terms of jobs...look at other countries. South America, africa, middle east, south east asia. All of these countries are in poverty and would do a lot better with an export like that.


- The police spend millions on their fight against drugs each year. And although they arrest many drug dealers, etc. The amount of people who take drugs hasn't really changed all that much. Neither has the amount of people willing to supply it or the amount of drug related crime. If drugs were legalised then police could focus on other aspects of crime instead of wasting there money. They would only need to invest a small amount of money enforcing drug laws...much in the same way they enforce alcohol laws.


- Drugs fund crime. Everytime you buy drugs it funds crime in someway. That would be stopped if drugs were legalised. That would mean you could expect crime and drug related crime to decrease by a lot.


My god I'm bored of typing... theres thousands of reasons for legalisation and if it's done correctly, there's not many reasons against it.

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So we can legalise another product that will legally kill or damage the user and create social problems which are legal.

The only positive is that the dealers are technically removed - but why would they be?

Who's gonna supply it? Don't tell me we can all submit a proposal to the Government,like with Lotto machines to be the local legalised supplier.



btw the other legalised drugs are provided by illegal means. Anyone who thinks dealers will go away are a little naive in my opinion or so obsessed with removing the illegal stigma of recreational drugs.

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btw the other legalised drugs are provided by illegal means. Anyone who thinks dealers will go away are a little naive in my opinion or so obsessed with removing the illegal stigma of recreational drugs.

It's nothing to do with stigma, that isn't the issue at all. However I think that your view is based entirely on the fact that it's illegal and nothing else. It's a bit like some of these people who argue for speeding enforcement purely because it's illegal rather than whether or not it's dangerous although we seem to agree on that particular topic, maybe that's because you personally know a bit about it because you drive and therefore have the experience of it's effect. On this drugs issue I think you are lucky not to have been touched by it.
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All of it. Let's look at some of the aspects that would change from drug legalisation...


I don't agree with legalising it so that it can be freely sold anywhere to anybody. I don't think many people get up one morning thinking that they will try heroin and then set about finding a good deal in same way as you might look for a cheap supermarket, they are talked into it somewhere by an unscrupulous dealer who has ulterior motives. He doesn't want to help them have a good time being stoned, he wants to make a load of money.
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At the moment, if someone wants drugs like cannabis or heroin, they'll get them...illegal. The fact that they're illegal is rarely important. I'd say creating thousands of jobs and giving the government millions a year to spend on education/healthcare etc. is definately a benefit to legalisation!

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I don't agree with legalising it so that it can be freely sold anywhere to anybody. I don't think many people get up one morning thinking that they will try heroin and then set about finding a good deal in same way as you might look for a cheap supermarket, they are talked into it somewhere by an unscrupulous dealer who has ulterior motives. He doesn't want to help them have a good time being stoned, he wants to make a load of money.


I don't agree with it either. I'd want laws in the same way there are laws with alcohol with age limits etc. Most people, in my experience, weren't talked into a drug by a dealer. In fact most people have no contact with the dealer until they want to take the drug. I'd say most people start with drugs through peer pressure and experimentation. Well the peer pressure to be rebelious would cease once the drug is legalised and the experimentation would be controlled.

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I don't agree with it either. I'd want laws in the same way there are laws with alcohol with age limits etc. Most people, in my experience, weren't talked into a drug by a dealer. In fact most people have no contact with the dealer until they want to take the drug. I'd say most people start with drugs through peer pressure and experimentation. Well the peer pressure to be rebelious would cease once the drug is legalised and the experimentation would be controlled.
The term dealer covers quite a range of different types of people and organisations in the chain though. The first person a user may come upon may be someone who is an acquaintance already who has been lured into it and is now selling a bit in order to finance their own habit but they will be supplied by bigger people further down the line who have them over a barrel due to their addiction and indebtedness and are demanding money with menaces.
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They might but your bias is based on experience, theirs is based on nothing but hearsay and bigotry.
(Derbees reply to Location114)


Most sense I've seen on the whole of the thread - spot on Derbees.


I thought that my list of 'celebrity users' might just persuade the ''right and proper'' brigade that not all smack users are lowlife scumbags. Clearly I failed.


In fact, addictive drugs, make no distinction, they don't favour the better off in society; nobody is safe from smack - don't kid yourself that you are. If the drug doesn't get you,

the desperation of it's victims might well. And then there are your family and friends.


Heroin is waiting for them to slip; waiting patiently for them to get into the 'wrong crowd'; waiting for them to be stricken by depression; waiting for them to be 'on top of the world' waiting for them - waiting for US ALL.


Many of the opinions expressed on this thread are a combination of sheer ignorance, primeval fear and a pitiable lack of understanding of the human condition.


I find some of the opinions expressed here by members of the medical profession particularly disturbing and I would strongly advise the poster to find work which is more suited to their character. (Or lack of it).


Watch out for signs of heroin use in your children. In your friends; in your parents.

P.S. Never mind that you would be surprised to know who's using it - you'd be amazed to know the 'high rollers' who are dealing it.

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I can understand why the mods closed the other thread, because it was going off topic.


However, this is more to the point and speaks for itself. There is no reason why this should be closed.


So what do you think of Heroin addicts ??


I hate alll these bs threads... it's like trying to solve world poverty...

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