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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?

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Ash.....your linky doesn't work :(

It should link to the search engine Julado, and show 24 posts.


Although, if it doesn't work, then perhaps, it's because they're linked to me being logged in and my posts.


I'd log out and check, but I've scrambled all my online passwords, and won't be able to get back in here.


It's only my posts in this thread.:)

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i agree taxman.


lloyds pharmacy on london road used to get a lot of complaints about the methadone users who used to hang about there.....leaving bread for the pigeons and loads of litter.


it was messy, granted.


they would sit in the sun and chat and feed the birds and drink beer.......got a real sense that this was the only real family that any of them had ever known. poor buggers :(.


really do feel for them.


and don't know what the best solutions are......only that there must be something workable out there.


What is workable.....is to legalise heroin and get the bad stuff off the streets.


If addicts were able to get clean pharmaceutical heroin and had safe controlled places in which to use it then there would be very little in the way of crime (for those who fund their habit this way).


However, that solution isn't legal - our government would rather us buy legal drugs in the form of alcohol and tobacco which are far more damaging. :)

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What is workable.....is to legalise heroin and get the bad stuff off the streets.


If addicts were able to get clean pharmaceutical heroin and had safe controlled places in which to use it then there would be very little in the way of crime (for those who fund their habit this way).


However, that solution isn't legal - our government would rather us buy legal drugs in the form of alcohol and tobacco which are far more damaging. :)



I completely agree....it's the same with other drugs as well.


A canadian study a few years back theorised that legalising cannabis would not only reduce crime but would generate around $58 million a year from the taxes it would have. Not only that but it would open up a lot more jobs for poorer countries etc.


But back on topic, it seems like a great idea that would never happen. Government funded research could probably lead to a much safer version of the drug.



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I think some Heroin addicts are crying out for help and support and yet some people would just rather walk past then help. Alot of them havent had a nice up bringing or felt loved. Alot of them felt pressured to try it. I do feel sorry for some of them who really want to get clean but find it hard because as soon as they do the only people they know is other users because people are rude and wouldnt give them a chance if they was clean.

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What is workable.....is to legalise heroin and get the bad stuff off the streets.


If addicts were able to get clean pharmaceutical heroin and had safe controlled places in which to use it then there would be very little in the way of crime (for those who fund their habit this way).


However, that solution isn't legal - our government would rather us buy legal drugs in the form of alcohol and tobacco which are far more damaging. :)


I am puzzled by this post..

Is it only the "bad stuff" that is addictive?


Can you really see all the addicts all going to this specific place, where would they get the fare from to get there everyday and would the pharmaceutical heroin really be any cheaper for them to afford, or would the taxpayer have to pick up the bill for this?


And finally do you really think that alcohol and tobacco really are far more damaging?

Medically the tobacco may be more damaging but what about lifestyle and crime associated with heroin users?

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I think that they are individuals who have the unfortunate need to inject themselves with drugs to make them feel normal.


You don't know the circumstances for each and every person who takes heroin and you don't know which ones have the determination to kick the habit.


I just think it is quite sad that a person bases their lives on finding a way to get their hands on the stuff which is ultimately going to kill them one way or another. :(

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