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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?

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I am puzzled by this post..

Is it only the "bad stuff" that is addictive?


Can you really see all the addicts all going to this specific place, where would they get the fare from to get there everyday and would the pharmaceutical heroin really be any cheaper for them to afford, or would the taxpayer have to pick up the bill for this?


And finally do you really think that alcohol and tobacco really are far more damaging?

Medically the tobacco may be more damaging but what about lifestyle and crime associated with heroin users?


the legalise bit falls down on two big issues .

if it was legal how much do you allow one person buy ?..

and while these people are off their nuts on legal heroin how would they finance it ?.

basically if it was controlled legally there would still be a black market for it .

go up to the hallamshire when they collect their methadone , theres a queue outside waiting to buy it off them . even if it was free it would cost us millions in sickness benefit pay outs .

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- our government would rather us buy legal drugs in the form of alcohol and tobacco which are far more damaging. :)



Strange that, i've never wanted a fag that much that i have gone and broke into some old persons house and battered them over the head with a hammer just to nick their pension. Must be smoking the wrong brand.


I think all herion addicts should be given what they want. In a very,very large dose.



People take drugs because they like the way they make them feel, no other reason.


Whilst you're sat feeling sorry for the scagg-heads spare a thought for the victims of these "such lovable characters".

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Heroin like all illegal drugs should be legalised in order to destroy the massive infrastructure of the drugs business. Heroin and other addictive drugs are the perfect product to sell, the customer can be given a couple of fixes for free, same as a loss leader in a supermarket except that they then become physiologically addicted to it and have to have more or they become ill. The dealer can then name his price, sell sub standard quality, demand money with menaces, pay no tax etc, etc and in turn the addict has to turn to crime to pay the dealer to support his addiction. The drugs business is for the wicked suppliers, not the users.


If it was regulated and sold legally and not promoted the incidence of addiction would be reduced, it will never be removed completely though because it's in some people's nature to take risks and ignore advice.


Heroin addicts come from all walks of life, they have made a wrong decision and often find themselves in a desperate and hopeless situation. Writing them off for making a wrong decision is not good enough in a civilised and compassionate society.


Before people jump down my throat that doesn't mean that I support heroin use, I support helping people to get off it and that is not easy.

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the legalise bit falls down on two big issues .

if it was legal how much do you allow one person buy ?..

and while these people are off their nuts on legal heroin how would they finance it ?.

basically if it was controlled legally there would still be a black market for it .

go up to the hallamshire when they collect their methadone , theres a queue outside waiting to buy it off them . even if it was free it would cost us millions in sickness benefit pay outs .


Legalisation doesn't mean selling it in the corner shop or Tesco's.


How many times do we have to discuss and explain this issue, there must be a dozen threads where it's gone over in detail.

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Legalisation doesn't mean selling it in the corner shop or Tesco's.


How many times do we have to discuss and explain this issue, there must be a dozen threads where it's gone over in detail.


you don,t HAVE to discus or explain anything . how do you know what legalisation would not mean , it HAS NOT been discussed by any government , although no one would expect it to be sold in the corner shop or tesco's which you so cleverly pointed out ,

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If you take the time to do a search (or maybe if the OP had done), you'll find that this subject has been discussed many times and the possible ways and implications of legalisation covered. It doesn't fall down on two big issues, it doesn't fall down at all, and a little bit of research on your part would have meant that you'd know that.

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People take drugs because they like the way they make them feel, no other reason.


Not because they may have been raped, tortured, abused etc as a child and now have severe emotional and pyshcological problems which leads to self medication?


I am assuming you are an expert on the subject seeing as you have provided the complete answer above? What would your reaction be if one of your friends became an addict?

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you don,t HAVE to discus or explain anything . how do you know what legalisation would not mean , it HAS NOT been discussed by any government , although no one would expect it to be sold in the corner shop or tesco's which you so cleverly pointed out ,



couldnt agree more alex, people moan about the topics on here like they OWN the forum. i thought this was a place for everyone to freely speak. if this is a subject your sick of hearing about cyclone then do us all a favour and dont read it then! were happy to chat about it.


as for my opinion on dirty smack heads is this: they are discusting and make people feel sorry for them with there bull**** stories of why they took it lol.. cant blame anyone but themselfs they are a joke and hope they all get what they deserve. and thats nothing!

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couldnt agree more alex, people moan about the topics on here like they OWN the forum. i thought this was a place for everyone to freely speak. if this is a subject your sick of hearing about cyclone then do us all a favour and dont read it then! were happy to chat about it.


as for my opinion on dirty smack heads is this: they are discusting and make people feel sorry for them with there bull**** stories of why they took it lol.. cant blame anyone but themselfs they are a joke and hope they all get what they deserve. and thats nothing!

It's you who doesn't want people to speak freely if people disagree with you. Your posts get increasingly hysterical when giving your opinions of so called smack heads but it's not all that many steps away from your decision to smoke addictive nicotine and risk your health. The state will pick up the pieces from that if/when it makes you ill. I don't think you would be too pleased if you were dismissed out of of hand and told it served you right by people such as me who don't approve of smoking.
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