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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?

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If you are all happy to chat in ignorance, then carry right on.







If you'd like to chat from a slightly more informed position then you could do worse than reading through these links.

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Not because they may have been raped, tortured, abused etc as a child and now have severe emotional and pyshcological problems which leads to self medication?


I am assuming you are an expert on the subject seeing as you have provided the complete answer above? What would your reaction be if one of your friends became an addict?


I can definately see your point in the first paragraph. But sadly, a lot of people have had abuse of some form in their life, but they don't all turn to heroin, theres lots of routes they could go and sadly they chose the wrong one. These minority, IMO, do need a support network, and a lot of the time the only people they have is other users.


In a perfect world, I would see heroin users getting all the councilling/doctoring neccessary - as I don't feel there is enough help, nor support for these people.


I would also make sure that there was always a supply of methadone for them, like there is now, for when neccessary, and I would also make sure they weren't living on the streets, which could eventually lead to prostitution to fund the habit, and to fund a lifestyle.

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If you take the time to do a search (or maybe if the OP had done), you'll find that this subject has been discussed many times and the possible ways and implications of legalisation covered. It doesn't fall down on two big issues, it doesn't fall down at all, and a little bit of research on your part would have meant that you'd know that.


you can't say what does or doesn't fall down if it has not been tried .

all this is just opinions and nothing can be proven without action .

If all you want to do is come on the thread with your snotty high and mighty attitude , don't bother . If you think the thread should not exist report it .

there has been no research into the effects of legaliseng heroin , just opinions , and every one is allowed one. now go and play rottweiller somewhere else and bite someone elses head off .


as for being informed on the topic you don't know wether I am or not , you just think YOU are .Every link you posted is opinion not fact . one fact is druggies sell methadone prescriptions outside the hallamshire hospital , if they were given heroin instead , the same thing would happen .

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Not because they may have been raped, tortured, abused etc as a child and now have severe emotional and pyshcological problems which leads to self medication?


I am assuming you are an expert on the subject seeing as you have provided the complete answer above? What would your reaction be if one of your friends became an addict?


see what you are saying cockney , I have [still do] know a lot of ex addicts and people who still are addicts . I used to be one of those people for legalising heroin but the more I have gone into it and studied it ,the more I see how it can't work .there will always be a bigger demand for the stuff chose wether it illegal or not .In my opinion .

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there has been no research into the effects of legaliseng heroin , just opinions , and every one is allowed one. now go and play rottweiller somewhere else and bite someone elses head off .


It's obvious and has been proven in the past with prohibition of alcohol in America, having such products made illegal spurns a huge, completely uncontrolled and deregulated industry dealing in colossal sums of money which puts nothing back into the economy.
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It's obvious and has been proven in the past with prohibition of alcohol in America, having such products made illegal spurns a huge, completely uncontrolled and deregulated industry dealing in colossal sums of money which puts nothing back into the economy.


you keep going on about tobacco and alcohol in the same line as heroin when in fact they are worlds apart . ok I will go with your view . where can I get my free booze and cigs ?.

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you keep going on about tobacco and alcohol in the same line as heroin when in fact they are worlds apart . ok I will go with your view . where can I get my free booze and cigs ?.
That's my point you can't them free because there's no incentive to the "dealer" to get you hooked on them. Heroin is physiologically addictive within very few doses and having got the customer addicted, the dealer can do what he likes because there are no rules and so he gets them to take as much as possible.


The issue with heroin is that it is highly addictive and that's why it is of such interest to dealers unlike cannabis which isn't addictive and is relatively cheap or can be grown almost free by the user. The reason people are against cannabis is that it bends the brain a bit and people like that feeling and so they unwisely may go onto harder stuff (most have more sense though).

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That's my point you can't them free because there's no incentive to the "dealer" to get you hooked on them. Heroin is physiologically addictive within very few doses and having got the customer addicted, the dealer can do what he likes because there are no rules and so he gets them to take as much as possible.


The issue with heroin is that it is highly addictive and that's why it is of such interest to dealers unlike cannabis which isn't addictive and is relatively cheap or can be grown almost free by the user. The reason people are against cannabis is that it bends the brain a bit and people like that feeling and so they unwisely may go onto harder stuff (most have more sense though).


how much free heroin would you suggest we give an addict .

as much as they like .

as much as they need .

less and less to wean them off it .

the first two would condem the person to a life of addiction and non productivity in society .

the last one would alter nothing because they would get the extra they crave on the black market .

pretty much the same as it is now with the methadone substitute .

every heroin addict I have ever known to kick the habit has one thing in common . they wanted to do it . not all addicts want to stop .

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how much free heroin would you suggest we give an addict .

as much as they like .

as much as they need .

less and less to wean them off it .

the first two would condem the person to a life of addiction and non productivity in society .

the last one would alter nothing because they would get the extra they crave on the black market .

I don't think you are reading my posts properly, I'm not suggesting we encourage anyone to start, that's how the dealers work but if heroin was available legitimately for a price like tobacco and alcohol are, but wasn't promoted, there would be no incentive for the dealers and the hideous crimes that their trade cause. The free stuff at present is to wean people off it who were already addicted and should be given in less and less quantities. Problem is at present is that the dealers are still there to top them up for money and keep them on it so it's harder to get them to quit.
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