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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?

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how much free heroin would you suggest we give an addict .

as much as they like .

as much as they need .

less and less to wean them off it .

the first two would condem the person to a life of addiction and non productivity in society .

the last one would alter nothing because they would get the extra they crave on the black market .

pretty much the same as it is now with the methadone substitute .

every heroin addict I have ever known to kick the habit has one thing in common . they wanted to do it . not all addicts want to stop .


Spot on!......

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I don't think you are reading my posts properly, I'm not suggesting we encourage anyone to start, that's how the dealers work but if heroin was available legitimately for a price like tobacco and alcohol are, but wasn't promoted, there would be no incentive for the dealers and the hideous crimes that their trade cause. The free stuff at present is to wean people off it who were already addicted and should be given in less and less quantities. Problem is at present is that the dealers are still there to top them up for money and keep them on it so it's harder to get them to quit.


heroin is a deadly drug [and I know tobacco and alcohol are but not as deadly ] , how much do you suggest we allow someone to buy ?. enough to kill themselves , their pals , their enemies ,the next doors noisy dog .

wether it ever becomes to some level legal , it can't ever be to the extent you suggest . might aswell sell cyanide over the counter aswell .

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heroin is a deadly drug [and I know tobacco and alcohol are but not as deadly ] , how much do you suggest we allow someone to buy ?. enough to kill themselves , their pals , their enemies ,the next doors noisy dog .

wether it ever becomes to some level legal , it can't ever be to the extent you suggest . might aswell sell cyanide over the counter aswell .

They could buy as much as they like so that there would be no point in the illegal trade same as alcohol and tobacco which you don't buy for your friends or the dog but no one will be encouraged to do it. At the moment dealers encourage people to use it as much as possible and the addicts simply can't stop. You can buy cyanide but people don't buy it to abuse themselves.
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They could buy as much as they like so that there would be no point in the illegal trade same as alcohol and tobacco which you don't buy for your friends or the dog but no one will be encouraged to do it. At the moment dealers encourage people to use it as much as possible and the addicts simply can't stop. You can buy cyanide but people don't buy it to abuse themselves.


thats the craziest Idea I have ever read .

and as already stated comparing alcohol and tobacco with heroin is ridiculous .

and loads of people buy booze ,cigs for friends .

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you can't say what does or doesn't fall down if it has not been tried .

all this is just opinions and nothing can be proven without action .

Do try to catch up.

It has been tried. It works. Read the other threads and come back when you're up to speed with the discussion.

If all you want to do is come on the thread with your snotty high and mighty attitude , don't bother . If you think the thread should not exist report it .

there has been no research into the effects of legaliseng heroin , just opinions , and every one is allowed one. now go and play rottweiller somewhere else and bite someone elses head off .


as for being informed on the topic you don't know wether I am or not ,[/quote

It's pretty obvious that you aren't.

you just think YOU are .

I'm no expert, but I clearly know more than you.

Every link you posted is opinion not fact . one fact is druggies sell methadone prescriptions outside the hallamshire hospital , if they were given heroin instead , the same thing would happen .

Would it?

Who would they sell it to? There'd be no demand since any addict could get their fix for free.

Like I said, go and do your reading instead of repeating an old argument with darbees.

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like I said I don't presume to know the answer , if you do it doesn't mean youe right. you agree with it being freely available like most other things , I think thats an impossibility .
You're not forwarding much of an argument though, criticise mine by all means, that's why we are here but it would be good to discuss your alternative. Mine isn't only my idea and it's not something I have dreamt up just this afternoon.
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