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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?

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You're not forwarding much of an argument though, criticise mine by all means, that's why we are here but it would be good to discuss your alternative. Mine isn't only my idea and it's not something I have dreamt up just this afternoon.


believe me I have looked into your view and many others , and I am not wanting to argue , I have stated the reasons why I think your veiw is flawed , some agree some dissagree , as for putting it on the open market read my posts today , there are plenty of reasons against it on my posts .

without being offensive I can't put it any clearer than I have .

your suggestion to make heroin a non prescription drug to me beggars belief .

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how much free heroin would you suggest we give an addict .

as much as they like .

as much as they need .

less and less to wean them off it .

the first two would condem the person to a life of addiction and non productivity in society .

the last one would alter nothing because they would get the extra they crave on the black market .


Problem is at present is that the dealers are still there to top them up for money and keep them on it so it's harder to get them to quit.


I don't know why you two are arguing, you both seem to have hit upon the same problem, despite having different opinions of a solution.


Veronica Guerin an irish journalist used to write about dealers. Unfortunately she got shot.

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thats the golden question , WHAT can we do about this epidemic ?

there's better people than us who can't solve this problem .


A good start would be to stop relying on what we know doesn't work, which is the current policy of prohibition - after that there would be a better chance of solving it - or certainly it couldn't be any worse than the current policy.


Problem is there are too many people willing to moan and wail about it being stupid to take it in the first place (which doesn't help find a way forward...) and or them all being scum (again, not exactly helpful).


Given we have a government who is ignoring all advice on even cannabis, I'd say there's a massive lack of political will to look for a solution when it's so much easier to just pander to the tabloids and ignore the problem other than to label the addicts as people to be despised.

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believe me I have looked into your view and many others , and I am not wanting to argue , I have stated the reasons why I think your veiw is flawed , some agree some dissagree , as for putting it on the open market read my posts today , there are plenty of reasons against it on my posts .

without being offensive I can't put it any clearer than I have .

your suggestion to make heroin a non prescription drug to me beggars belief .

I don't think I said non prescription but if I implied that, it is another point to consider if it is legalised as it is available on prescription already. I think it should be available at heavily regulated chemists without a prescription at the discretion of a highly trained, licensed chemist who would advise the purchaser of what he may be getting himself into but without any real financial incentive to the chemist over and above normal everyday business. The important thing is to make the selling of the drug not worthwhile on the black market.
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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?


Well it is my choice to form my own opinion in very much the same way they had a choice not to take Heroin and get themselves addicted to it in the first place.


My opinion is they are the lowest of the low, they theive from their families, friends and will steal anything that is not nailed down.


They beg, pollute our town centre, railway and bus stations, and leave dirty needles lying around all over the place.


And more importantly i consider them to be the lowest of the low and the human equivelent of vermin and more importantly it was their choice to take it in the first place, much as it was my choice to work for a living and live my life on the right side of the law.

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It's you who doesn't want people to speak freely if people disagree with you. Your posts get increasingly hysterical when giving your opinions of so called smack heads but it's not all that many steps away from your decision to smoke addictive nicotine and risk your health. The state will pick up the pieces from that if/when it makes you ill. I don't think you would be too pleased if you were dismissed out of of hand and told it served you right by people such as me who don't approve of smoking.


you again? i wasnt even talking to you!! and yes i smoke cigeretts if i get lung cancer who's fault is it? my own i cant go blaming other people for the actions i chose to take now can i!

you dont approve smoking but stick up for smack heads very well thought out lv!

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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?


Well it is my choice to form my own opinion in very much the same way they had a choice not to take Heroin and get themselves addicted to it in the first place.


My opinion is they are the lowest of the low, they theive from their families, friends and will steal anything that is not nailed down.


They beg, pollute our town centre, railway and bus stations, and leave dirty needles lying around all over the place.


And more importantly i consider them to be the lowest of the low and the human equivelent of vermin and more importantly it was their choice to take it in the first place, much as it was my choice to work for a living and live my life on the right side of the law.


100% spot on! there choice to take it i hope they get what they all deserve!

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As there are a large number of heroin addicts the world over, I don't think one particular thing about them. I would need to meet each one and make my own judgement based on them personally.


Now, barristers: I mean, most of them are scum who I wouldn't even think of helping out if they were being kicked to death, but y'know, some of 'em are ok ;)

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