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What do you think of Heroin Addicts?

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I don't see the point in letting people buy it, but I do see the point in prescribing it. Here's how I would see it working:


Initially, prescribe people as much as people want that wouldn't kill them. This will put the dealers out of business, since no addict will buy it when they can get a safe, regular supply from a doctor.


Once the dealers have stopped selling heroin because they can't make any money out of it (every person who becomes addicted being able to get it free from a doctor), start prescribing gradually smaller doses. This will avoid the problems we have with methadone and subutex being not always effective substitutes. In this way, gradually wean the existing addicts off heroin.


For those who don't want to stop, continue to prescribe their current usage, because the main thing is to put the dealers out of business so they don't create new addicts. Always have heroin available free of charge on the NHS so that there is never an incentive for dealers to get people hooked.


works to the point that the public won't put up with financing thousands of smackheads on top rate dissability because they want to get stoned every waking minute of their life .

Which , by the way , is what is happening now .

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strange ,:loopy:.what did I agree with ?.


a) that heroin is cut with substances that make the mixture dangerous

b) purity of street heroin is unknown to users


However you dont agree with me when I say that heroin itself

(aka diamorphine) is no more dangerous that many other medically useful drugs and far safer (on a macro/social level) than alcohol or tobacco.

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works to the point that the public won't put up with financing thousands of smackheads on top rate dissability because they want to get stoned every waking minute of their life .

Which , by the way , is what is happening now .


Also would save the police and customs loads of money, would save shops loads of money (shoplifting being the most popular crime to fund addiction), would save the NHS spending money on treating DVTs, amputations etc. Would stop addicts' lives being so chaotic, and we're already spending money on methadone, subutex, drug workers, etc.


Er, so why isn't our government proposing this then?

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a) that heroin is cut with substances that make the mixture dangerous

b) purity of street heroin is unknown to users


However you dont agree with me when I say that heroin itself

(aka diamorphine) is no more dangerous that many other medically useful drugs and far safer (on a macro/social level) than alcohol or tobacco.


thats about right liberty , :thumbsup:

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you again? i wasnt even talking to you!! and yes i smoke cigeretts if i get lung cancer who's fault is it? my own i cant go blaming other people for the actions i chose to take now can i!

you dont approve smoking but stick up for smack heads very well thought out lv!

So, in the same way as smack heads, you have chosen to take the risk of becoming ill but if you do, you won't get thrown on the scrap heap as you think smack heads should, the NHS will spend virtually unlimited sums on trying to cure you as they have to do with everyone regardless of the cause of their illness.


If you read my posts properly I'm not sticking up for them I'm suggesting ways of stopping them doing it in the first place and if they do get into it I'm suggesting that we should try to cure them. I am also suggesting ways of removing any incentive for illegal dealers to carry on. Can't see what's wrong with that.

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So, in the same way as smack heads, you have chosen to take the risk of becoming ill but if you do, you won't get thrown on the scrap heap as you think smack heads should, the NHS will spend virtually unlimited sums on trying to cure you as they have to do with everyone regardless of the cause of their illness.


Indeed. I can't imagine Cindarella declining chemo on the basis that it was all her choice

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i have no time for them and a very dim veiw of them and this story will hopefully show why,


i have a sister named lucy she had 3 daughters and 1 son, she eventually divorced her husband and lived on her own for number for years bringing up her children and being happy. i loved going to my sisters at this time she was the best mother in the world and i remember thinking wow id love her to be my mum! she then met a young man many years younger than herself anyway they got together and he started to hang around with my brother who was into many drugs anyway just not heroine but they got both decided to get a bag together and took it eventuall they both very quickly become addicted.


he started to beat my sister very badly so we were stoped going over and my sister wouldt listen to anyone about him she said he needs my help i can stop him blah blah blah! anyway my mum and other sisters left them to it hopeing she would see sense and leave him, sadly that day nver came my mum got a phone call from my sisters daughters school sayin she was refusing to go home and was hysterical sayin she was scared. so my mum and other sister went to get her and true enoug she was terrified anyway they then wet over to my sisters and found a nightmare! my sisters was laid on the living room floor with a needle sticking out of her arm with her other daughter and son scratching round the kitchen for something to eat and the house was filthy not untidy absolutely filthy.


they took all the children back to my mothers and phoned social services my mum kept my nephew and my neice and my other sister took the eldest daughter, many months went by and my sisters refused any help all she did was phone up tellin her children and my mum that the next time they saw her she would be dead ect ect. anyway eventually my mother decided it would be a good idea to haveher move in to help her off it and it seemed to be going well after a few months and then a few more months went by untill one night in a loal pub someone said they had seen my sister giving her daughter a bag of heroine to take and we didnt belive it,


but then it all came out she had gotten both her daughters onto heroine and made them prostitute themselves to pay for not only their own habit but hers also and she had made her son do all the pimp type work i.e beatin anyone up who didnt pay up ect ect.


and now as it stands this sister above is still a heroine addict and prostitute along with her daughter who had a child but this child was placed with my other sister as she will have a better life my other two neices have come off heroine but still on methadone and have severe mental health problems.


my dad has had so many health problems related to stress from all this he is now severly disabled, one of my sisters sufferd a massive stroke as she decided to go on a crack binge with my smack head sister and is now permenantly disabled, then my other sister had a mental break down and got sectioned as she was taking a lot of ampthetamine so she could stay up to help my sister do her rattle!


and my smack head sister got me into a massive amount of debt getting things in my name and not paying it off! and got me arrested for benefit fraud as she was claiming in my name and i dint know!


my mother is a shadow of the woman i used to love and adore and look up to as a child. my family has been torn apart by drug abuse of any kind and will never ever be the same and the sad thing is i look forward to the day someone phones to tell me my sister has overdosed and deid as it may finally end this to me the sister i used to know and loved so dearly died when she had her first hit.


i know not every drug addict is unable to come off what ever addiction they have, but right now im not able t let go and say yes they can change as i havnt found a case of it yet!

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